My heart is in love” – Catholic Priest hangs up cassock over his love for a woman

An Italian Catholic Priest, Rev Fr. Riccardo Ceccobelli, has revealed that he has fallen in love, and won’t be able to stay true to the oath of Celibacy required by the Church.

Ceccobelli, 42, who has been the Parish Priest in the small town north of Rome for six years told the astonished believers that he had never broken his vows but now he was in love and wishes to explore it.

A statement published on Tuesday, 13th April by the diocese quoted the Priest as saying;

“I cannot not continue to be coherent, transparent and correct with regards to her (the Church), as I have always been so far.”

My heart is in love although I have never had the opportunity to transgress the promises I made.”

“I want to try to live this love without repressing it, without pushing it away.”

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