Late record label boss, Kashy Godson’s girlfriend gives birth to baby boy

Kashy Godson, late CEO of Cash Nation has become a father in absentia as his girlfriend, Aaliyah recently welcomed a baby boy.

The Record label boss’ younger brother, Rinaboyxx announced the good news via his Instagram story on Monday, January 3, 2022.

Kashy Godson passed away in May last year after allegedly taking his own life. He was the CEO of the record label under which singer Barry Jhay is signed.

The music executive’s brother shared a short clip of the handsome baby boy whom he said has a striking resemblance with the late father.

Rinaboyxx wrote;

”Kashy is back. Mini Kashy

It’s the striking resemblance for me. He really said; ”Don’t worry I’m back”

God is great”

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