In My Next World You Will Still Be My Sister – Ladies Cries Out As 19- Year- Old Girl Died.

Death has struck in the family of Orji as the their 19- Year- Old daughter identified as Miss Stella Chizurukaeme Orji died without warning.

In the post made in the chinwo Mercy musical group by Efuribe Chibunna , it was reported that the death occurred without a stress on the deceased Stella. In his words, ” I bid you adieu to you today. What an exit you made …. Silently, of a sudden, without giving life a chance to trouble you with pain or remorse”.

In a made by Ama Ra Chi in the same Mercy chinwo, Musical group, she said that in their next world Stella will still be her sister. In her words,” in our next world you will still be my sister. Forever in our heart. I pray for you to rest on the shoulder of your maker. I love you so much”.

It could be inferred from the tone of the bereaved Ama that Stella Chizurukaeme Orji died as a good person who is so dear to her people. It is unfortunate that Stella Chizurukaeme Orji died so early in life at the time she is needed most in the family. 

Life is not fair indeed. We pray that such premature death shall not be be our portion. May the soul of Stella Chizurukaeme Orji rest in peace amen. And may God give the family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

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