Drama As Two Sisters Got Married To Each Other, See What They Did That Got People Talking

These two ladies are from Sierra Leone, and they were married in Oman, an Islamic country. The culture has begun to take a new shape, and what was viewed as an abomination back then is now accepted by the modern generation. I wonder if the moral lesson they influence is not something you are agreed by society to follow.

A photo was shared on Social media of two sisters who married to one another and. However, individuals reacted to what they did although they didn’t see women who marry themselves. We understand that such things are performed in the Civilized countries but not ideal for Africa with such demonic acts, Africans were never seen. African people have a life pattern that the other nations can easily distinguish from you.

Two key aspects of Shariah are most important when looking at the topic of gay marriage. Next, the rule is Shariah. It is concerned mainly with behavior as opposed to feelings or wishes. Second, in Shariah, marriage is not a sacrament. Marriage is nothing more than, simply, a contract between a man and a woman in which the man offers financial help to the woman in exchange for exclusive s**x access, stripped of all the cultural accretions Muslims have added on, and without the obviously vital elements of love and companionship.

Following my research I don’t think Muslim is against this type of marriage. Besides, marriage in Muslim is no sacred.

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