Gov Mohammed condemns Plateau attack, orders security agents to fish out perpetrators

The Bauchi State governor, Bala Mohammed, on Monday condemned the killing of travellers by gunmen in Plateau State.

Gunmen had in the early hours of Saturday killed 25 people during an attack on a travelling party along Rukuba Road, Jos North local government area of Plateau State.

The victims were returning from the annual ZIKR (Prayer Session) held in Bauchi to mark the commencement of the Islamic new year when the hoodlums struck.

The governor, who reacted to the incident through a statement issued by his Special Adviser on Media, Muhktar Gidado, ordered security agents to fish out the perpetrators of the attack.

The statement read: “Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi State has condemned in strong terms, the attack by Irigwe militia in Jos, Plateau State, last Saturday, August 14, 2021, on innocent travellers who were returning home after attending the annual ZIKR (Prayer Session) in Bauchi, to mark the commencement of the New Islamic year.

The governor described the attack which claimed the lives of 25 persons, as very sad and unfortunate, cognizant of the fact that they were innocent citizens travelling peacefully.

“Governor Bala Mohammed called for calm among residents and advised the people not to take laws into their hands.

“Commending the proactive measures taken by the authorities in Plateau State to forestall further breach of law and order, he called on the security agencies to fish out the perpetrators of this despicable act and bring them to justice

While commiserating with the families of all those who lost their lives in the unfortunate incident, he also condoled with the famous Islamic Scholar, Sheik Dahiru Usman Bauchi, for the loss of 25 members of his Tijjaniyah sect and prayed that the Almighty Allah will give their families and other Nigerians the fortitude to bear this great loss.”

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