WHO to Investigate Origin of COVID19

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Covid: WHO to investigate virus origins in China’s Wuhan

A team of 10 international scientists will travel to the Chinese city of Wuhan next month to investigate the origins of Covid-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said.

China has not opposed an independent investigation, although the WHO has been negotiating for access to the city for a number of months.

The virus is thought to have come from a market in the city selling animals.

But the search for the source has led to tensions, notably with the US.

President Donald Trump’s administration has accused China of trying to conceal the initial outbreak.

A biologist on the team travelling to Wuhan told the Associated Press news agency that the WHO was not seeking to apportion blame, but rather to prevent future outbreaks.

“It’s really not about finding a guilty country,” Fabian Leendertz of Germany’s Robert Koch Institute said.

“It’s about trying to understand what happened and then see if, based on those data, we can try to reduce the risk in the future.”

Dr Leendertz said the aim was to find out when the virus began circulating and whether or not it originated in Wuhan.

The mission was expected to last four or five weeks, he added.

Where and when was the virus first detected?

In the early days of the virus, it was traced to a so-called “wet market” in Wuhan, Hubei province, and it was suggested that this was where it made the leap from animals to humans.

But experts now believe it may simply have been amplified there.

Research suggests that coronaviruses capable of infecting humans may have been circulating undetected in bats for decades.

Last December, a Chinese doctor at Wuhan Central Hospital – Li Wenliang – tried to warn fellow medics about a possible outbreak of a new disease, but was told by police to “stop making false comments” and was investigated for “spreading rumours”.

Dr Li died in February after contracting the virus while treating patients in the city.

image captionIt was initially believed that the virus originated at a so-called “wet market” in Wuhan

In April, suspicions and allegations emerged that the virus might have leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan.

US State Department cables came to light suggesting that embassy officials were worried about biosecurity there.

The office of the US national intelligence director said at the time that while the virus was not man-made or genetically modified, officials were investigating whether the outbreak began through contact with animals or through a laboratory accident.

Recent reports in Chinese media have suggested that Covid-19 could have started outside China.

But analysts say the reports are without foundation, and the campaign reflects anxiety within the leadership in Beijing about damage to the country’s international reputation from the pandemic

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