US President Joe Biden will sign a series of executive orders.

US President Joe Biden will sign a series of executive orders aimed to address climate change, including a new ban on some energy drilling.

The orders aim to freeze new oil and gas leases on public lands and double offshore wind-produced energy by 2030.

They are expected to meet stiff resistance from the energy industry and come as a sea change from Donald Trump, who cut environmental protections.

Mr Biden will also label climate change a “national security” priority.

The series of executive orders that Mr Biden is due to sign on Wednesday will establish a White House office of domestic climate policy and announce a summit of leaders in the movement to tackle climate change to be held in April.

Mr Biden will also call upon the US Director of National Intelligence to prepare an intelligence report on the security implications of climate change.

Mr Biden is using the power he has as president to make climate change a central issue of his administration.

The executive orders and memorandum – which cannot go as far as congressional legislation in combating climate change – can be undone by future presidents, as he is currently doing to Mr Trump.

According to a statement from the White House, Mr Biden will direct the Department of the Interior, which oversees federal public lands, to pause oil and gas drilling leases on federal lands and water “to the extent possible” and to launch a review of existing energy leases.

Mr Biden aims to conserve at least 30 percent of federal lands and oceans by 2030.

According to the New York Times, fossil fuel extraction on public lands accounts for almost a quarter of all US carbon dioxide emissions.

Public lands are controlled by the federal government. Mr Biden’s order does not affect private property owners or state-held public lands.

Mr Biden’s “whole-of-government” approach, the White House says, will create the first-ever National Climate Advisor who will lead the office of Domestic Climate Policy at the White House.

Later today, Mr Biden’s envoy for climate – another new position – will join the White House press briefing.

The orders also direct all federal agencies to develop plans for how climate change will affect their facilities and operations.

It also will require agencies to determine ways to help the public better access climate change forecasts and information.

Mr Biden is also making it clear his administration will make decisions based on the best science available.

He’s directed agencies to only make “evidence-based decisions guided by the best available science and data”.

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