UNICEF staff association donates medical equipment to Kano PHC

The United Nations Children’s Fund Staff Association, Kano Field Office on Tuesday donated medical equipment to Chiranchi Primary Health Care in the Kumbotso Local Government Area.

The chairperson of the staff association, Dr Saudat Basheer, said the gesture was to demonstrate their work for children as UNICEF staff.

Ms Basheer said, “The charity initiative is to show our love and concern for the well-being of women and children in Kano State. Chiranchi Primary Healthcare was selected, being the largest hospital providing medical services to the Kumbotso Community.’’

The chairperson added that the Chiranchi Primary Healthcare required equipment to improve the health of women and children, hence the need for the donation.

“As we hand over these equipment to you, we hope it will be utilised judiciously to meet the yearnings and aspirations of women and children,” she said.

Earlier, the Executive Secretary, Kano State Primary Health Care Management Board, Dr Nasir Mahmoud, had commended the UNICEF Staff Association for its gesture.

Mr Mahmoud, who described the intervention as timely, said that the equipment would go a long way in strengthening primary health care in the state.

He said that the PHC would commence 24-hour service to ensure quality healthcare delivery.

The Chairman, Ward Development Committee, Chiranchi PHC, Mr Sabi’u Ado, said the corporate social responsibility by the Kano field office staff association would uplift health care delivery.

He reiterated the committee’s dedication to ensure proper utilisation of the donated items, and urged residents of the community to contribute their quota by visiting the hospital for treatment.

He appealed to other organisations, companies and wealthy individuals to emulate the association.

The reports that items donated include paediatric weighing scale, tables, chairs, laboratory centrifuge, microscopy machine and hematocrit.

Others include extension of the laboratory slab (construction), nine delivery beds, 10 manual suction machines, 11 baby beds and 12 delivery kits.

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