Turkey: Buhari congratulates Erdogan on reelection

President Muhammadu Buhari has congratulated President Recep Erdoğan on his victory in the presidential election.

Mr Erdoğan defeated opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu in the second round of voting.

In a statement by his media aide Garba Shehu on Sunday night in Abuja, Mr Buhari said Mr Erdoğan’s reelection would augur well for the well-being of the relations between Nigeria and Turkey.

“I welcome the reelection of Erdoğan, a steadfast champion of a fair and just global order and a true friend of Nigeria. On behalf of the government and the people of Nigeria, I say happy cheers, my friend and a true friend of Nigeria,” Mr Buhari said.

“Under your leadership, the engagement between our two nations will grow from strength to strength.”

He added, “I wish you yet another successful tenure of office.”

Mr Erdoğan won a historic runoff vote that is set to extend his 20-year rule until 2028.

Mr Erdoğan had won 52.14 per cent of the votes, while his challenger Mr Kılıçdaroğlu received 47.86 per cent.

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