Nnamdi Kanu lays curse on politicians who blame IPOB for their crimes

The leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Nnamdi Kanu has placed a curse on politicians in the country who occasionally commit crimes and blame it on members of IPOB.

He spoke on Thursday during a routine visit of his Lead Council, Ifeanyi Ejiofor at the headquarters of the Department of State Security (DSS) Abuja.

Ejiofor in a statement on the outcome of the visit said they both engaged in fruitful discussions that substantially bothered on the legal strategy they were to deploy at the next court sitting on the 18th of January, 2022.

Ejiofor said, “he admonished UMUCHINEKE, and his other followers in general, to be eternally vigilant in all they do and to show conscious restraint and forbearance at all times.

He warned that enemies of struggle are sundry and varied and that they constantly evolve devious strategies to inflict anarchy and mayhem on the polity.

“When they actualise their evil plan in any instance, they knowingly instigate a false propaganda and lay blame for what they have done on the door step of members of IPOB. Onyendu has today cursed the persons concerned and has declared that eternal perdition will be their reward.

The recent stunning revelation in Imo State vindicates Onyendu entirely. He has long before now made the point that the chilling atrocities perpetrated in Imo State by agents of darkness are the handiwork of politicians, who are their mastermind and pay masters.

“Onyendu has therefore exhorted UMUCHINEKE and his followers in general to remain calm, law abiding, focused and peaceful in all their undertakings. He predicted that many more criminal gangs ravaging our land will sooner than later gravitate to their deserving and ignoble end.

Onyendu is also genuinely concerned about the magnitude of violence that has been unleashed by criminal gangs in the land of our fathers. These gangs no doubt are the foot soldiers of those workers of iniquity intent on giving the peaceful movement a bad name. Members of these gangs are sponsored and comforted by these elements. Onyendu is emphatic on the curse he has placed on them. He has supplicated unto ChukwuOkike Abiama to guide and protect Umuchineke and to continually expose and punish those elements intent on besmirching them”, the statement read in part.

IPOB declares Kanu ‘Prisoner of Conscience’

Outlawed Igbo separatist group, Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has declared their incarcerated leader, Nnamdi Kanu, a ‘Prisoner of Conscience’.

Making the declaration on Friday in a statement issued by its spokesman, Emma Powerful, IPOB said Kanu, who is currently in the custody of the Department of State Services (DSS), committed no crime and was bearing the burden of the Igbo race in their quest for self-determination.

Powerful added that Kanu’s only crime was advocating for freedom due to the oppres

Following the extraordinary rendition of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu from Kenya to Nigeria without proper documentation for doing so, and the long incarceration and detention of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in DSS custody, we the global movement and family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) wish to state categorically to the people of the world that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is now declared Prisoner Of Conscience,” the statement said.

“In 2015, Nnamdi Kanu was first arrested and subjected to an egregious violation of his fundamental rights.

After his miraculous escape from the military invasion of his home in 2017, he was abducted in Kenya and renditioned to Nigeria in June this year.

“Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has been in DSS detention in Abuja ever since then. We, therefore, have to inform the world, most civilized countries and the African continent that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is fighting for the freedom and self-determination of his people because under the United Nations Charter, to which Nigeria is a signatory, self-determination is not a crime.

“Under the African Union Charter. to which Nigeria is a signatory, self determination is not a crime. Under the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, particularly Article 20, CAP A9, self-determination is not a crime.

As a matter of fact and law, self determination is recognized as a right, both domestically and internationally. Above all, self- determination is a political opinion, which is recognized as a fundamental right under the Nigerian Constitution.

“It’s a matter of public record that hundreds of concerned citizens exercising their rights to peaceful protest protested the incarceration of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu but were massacred in cold blood by Nigerian security services.

“In 2021 he was kidnapped by the Nigerian government in Kenya and subjected to extraordinary rendition to Nigeria against his will and against all norms and rules of international law.

“He committed no offence known to law. He only advocated self-determination for his people and all oppressed peoples in Nigeria.

“He did so peacefully by articulating the decades of oppression, marginalisation, inequality, apartheid, brutality and genocide to which his people and all oppressed peoples in Nigeria have been subjected.

And in light of those grievances, he demanded a referendum on self-determination and self-rule for the Indigenous People of Biafra and all aggrieved groups and lovers of freedom.

“In doing so, he bore no malice nor hate against any group. He only demanded self-determination as enshrined in the African Charter and the United Nations charter both of which Nigeria is a signatory.

“In peacefully articulating the grievances of an injured and oppressed people and in seeking self-determination for all such peoples; Nnamdi Kanu broke no law within or outside Nigeria.

“The indigenous peoples of Biafra has been and remains a peaceful organisation, devoid of any hate or violence and totally committed to its aims and objectives through peaceful democratic means as recognised by international law.

Having regards therefore to all of the above and his continued extrajudicial detention; we hereby declare Mazi Nnamdi Kanu a “Prisoner Of Conscience.”

#ENDSARS: IPOB demands probe of Obigbo massacre

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) warned on Sunday any report on the #EndSARS protest is incomplete without the mention of the genocide in Obigbo local government area of Rivers State.

In a statement issued by its spokesman, Emma Powerful, IPOB demanded an investigation into the killing of residents of the area by the military between October 21 and November 4 last year.

The group alleged that Governor Nyesom Wike invited security agents to massacre the people of the area during the #EndSARS protests.

IPOB was reacting to the release of the Lagos State judicial panel of inquiry which probed allegations of police brutality and shooting of protesters at the Lekki toll gate on October 20 last year.

The statement read: “The global family of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the command and leadership of great leader Mazi Nnamdi KANU is watching keenly the Lekki toll gate massacre report, and the reactions trailing it.

But we are utterly shocked that nobody is mentioning the Obigbo massacre which happened about the same period and time last year.

“We wonder why there is no report on the Obigbo genocide and ethnic cleansing which was sponsored by Governor Nyesom Wike but executed by the Nigerian Army, police, and other security agencies.

“Our people must remember Obigbo genocide/ethnic cleansing committed by Nyesom Wike and his cronies including the Nigerian Army, Police, DSS, Navy and Air Force against the hated tribe in Nigeria.”

IPOB orders arrest of persons enforcing sit-at-home in South-East

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on Thursday ordered the arrest of anyone enforcing the weekly sit-at-home directive in any part of the South-East.

In a statement issued by its Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, the group wondered why some people would continue to enforce an order that had been cancelled in the region.

IPOB had ordered a sit-at-home every Monday in the South-East in a bid to force the Federal Government to release its detained leader, Nnamdi Kanu.

However, the group’s leadership after consultations with South-East leaders called off the directive last week.

Following the continued enforcement of the directive by some individuals, IPOB asked the community and religious leaders in the region to devise ways to arrest the people still enforcing the directive and hand them over to its members in the localities.

The statement read: “We wish to reiterate once again that IPOB has cancelled Monday sit-at-home order and anybody or group enforcing the relaxed order is neither from IPOB nor from IPOB volunteer group.

We are advising our people to ignore anybody enforcing non-existent Monday sit-at-home order and go about their normal business because such person(s) are working for our enemies and their intention is to blackmail IPOB and set the movement against the people but they won’t succeed.

Anyone caught adding to the pain of our people in the name of enforcing Monday sit-at-home order will be treated as the enemy that he or she is.

“We, therefore, warn these agents of darkness using the name of IPOB to enforce a non-existent sit-at-home to desist because if we lay hold on them they will eternally regret their evil actions.

“Why should such unpatriotic elements be inflicting pain on our people and dragging our image to the mud? IPOB remains a non-violent movement and our peaceful approach for Biafra restoration has not changed.

“We hereby direct community leaders, market leaders, church leaders, and other institutions of authority in Biafra land to arrest any hoodlum trying to enforce any sit-at-home on Mondays and hand them over to IPOB. Such criminal elements must be treated in a language they understand.”

Aisha Yesufu seeks APGA, IPOB alliance

Aisha Yesufu, the co-convener of BringBackOurGirls (BBOG) has advocated for a political alliance between the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

Yesufu made this call on Thursday via a series of tweets in the wake of APGA’s victory in the just-concluded Anambra governorship elections.

The activist noted that this alliance would be beneficial to the South-East in order to have a strong negotiating power regarding the presidential elections and other sundry matters.

She wrote: “Imagine if IPOB works with APGA to control the political power in the South East? Bring the best candidates to be nominated. Show the rest of us how people with competence, character and capacity in leadership positions can change a region. Use the power to negotiate at the Federal level.

An APGA/IPOB alliance can bring the South East together politically. Instead of IPOB wasting its goodwill on giving sit-at-home orders, they can make it ‘nominate and vote credible candidates’ order.

“With that power, you can negotiate with any party wanting to win presidential elections and give the terms for your alliance. Any party interested in winning the region must be ready to meet your terms. That way, no party takes the region for granted.”

“Everyone knows that South East is for PDP at the presidential level. It shouldn’t be so. South East should be for whichever party is ready to give the southeast the best deal!

“Use your political might to negotiate. Let PDP sweat for it too.”

IPOB gives Uzodinma three-week ultimatum to release detained members

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on Tuesday gave the Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodinma, a three-week ultimatum to release its members arrested by security agents in the state.

In a statement signed by its Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, and made available to Ripples Nigeria, the group threatened to make the state ungovernable for the governor if fails to release its detained members by the end of November.

IPOB vowed to massively mobilise the people of the South-East against Uzodinma if he fails the demand within the time frame, noting that the governor cannot stop the agitation for the region’s freedom.

The statement read: “We, the global movement and family of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), ably led by our great leader and prophet, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, wish to once again, put the world on notice over the incessant abduction of IPOB members in Imo State by the compromised Nigerian security agents supported by the Supreme Court Administrator in Imo State, Hope Uzodinma.

“We want to make it clear to Uzodinma and his co-travellers that IPOB never stops in Imo State because Imo State is one of the states in Biafra territory. Hope Uzodinma and his co-travellers and traitors are uninformed and cannot stop our agitation for freedom in Imo State.

“We are giving Uzodinma three weeks, until the end of November, to release our arrested members or he will face the weight of our wrath. We will make the state ungovernable for him and he will wish he never crossed our path.”

The separatist group also urged the apex Igbo socio-cultural group, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, South-East political and religious leaders as well as pressure groups from the region to prevail on Uzodinma to release its detained members.

It added: “We call on Ohaneze Ndigbo, Igbo religious and political leaders, civil society groups, and women organisations to caution Hope Uzodinma and his co-travellers to discontinue this evil agenda. We have had enough of their wickedness against innocent Biafrans.

“We don’t want anybody to blame IPOB should we decide to react. Hope Uzodinma and the compromised security agents have done enough to innocent members of IPOB and ordinary citizens in Imo State.

The continued arrest and abduction of innocent people in Imo State can no longer be tolerated. It’s very disturbing that these agents of darkness now move from house to house searching for anybody who is a supporter of Biafra agitation.

“Friends, family members, and associates of Hope Uzodinma must tell him to release those innocent Biafrans arrested unjustly in Imo State. We give him till the end of November 2021 to do so otherwise, he will be testing the will of the masses and our irrevocable resolve to restore Biafra.

“There is no justification for arresting peaceful agitators of Biafra whereas bandits and mass murderers are allowed to roam the streets freely. This hatred against the innocent must stop, arresting and killing innocent Biafrans tagging them ESN (Eastern Security Network) operatives must stop.”

More confusion as IPOB clarifies position on boycott of Anambra guber poll, sit-at-home

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has issued a disclaimer over its stance on the upcoming governorship elections in Anambra State on Saturday, November 6.

This was contained in a statement issued on Thursday by the IPOB spokesman, Emma Powerful, in response to claims that the group imposed a stay-at-home order tantamount to a boycott of the polls.

The group while claiming it did not call for boycott of the election, further reiterated it’s call for people in Anambra to observe the sit-at home between November 5 and November 10, while also calling on whoever wants to go out to vote on November 6 to be cautious of their security.

The IPOB statement reiterated that it did not call for the boycott of the election and has not asked anyone to impose the sit-at-home order.

According to Powerful, the group is only interested in securing the release of its leader, Nnamdi Kanu from detention.

The statement reads, ”IPOB wish to correct some misconceptions, unfounded speculations and outright falsehood concerning our position on the forthcoming November 6 governorship election in Anambra state.

First of all, we wish to reiterate that IPOB did not at any time issue an order or call for the boycott of the said election contrary to misconceptions in certain quarters. IPOB has nothing to do with the Anambra election. Nobody should therefore link us with the election. The freedom of our Leader is what matters to us and we don’t need distractions.”

The statement continued, “The priority of IPOB is to secure the unconditional release of our Leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who has been illegally detained since his rendition to Nigeria. All we said was that if by November 4 those who abducted, renditioned, and illegally detained him fail to release him unconditionally, Biafrans shall embark on civil disobedience of a one-week sit-at-home beginning from November 5 to November 10.

This action has nothing to do with the Anambra election. We are not concerned if anyone wishes to participate or not to participate in the Anambra election. But our only advice to Ndi Anambra especially those contemplating to vote is to be very careful about their security.

“We want to categorically state that IPOB has not asked anybody to monitor or enforce compliance to any sit-at-home as this is unnecessary because Biafrans willingly and consciously obey IPOB’s call for Sit-At-Home.”

IPOB denies hand in Anambra killings, points at Imo gov, Uzodimma

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has denied responsibility in the various violent incidents that have so far taken place in Anambra State in recent times, saying neither the group nor its military wing, the Eastern Security Network (ESN) has anything to do with them.

The group in a statement on Monday made available to Ripples Nigeria, said insinuations that it was responsible for violence in Anambra which stakeholders said could disrupt the November 6 governorship election in the state was not true as they have nothing to do with the incidences.

The group also said the four persons reportedly killed by the military in Nnobi in the Idemili South Local Government Area of the state which were wrongly labelled as ESN operatives by the military, were bandits recruited by Imo State Governor Hope Uzodimma and other politicians to hijack the election.

The statement signed by IPOB’s Director of Media and Publicity, Emma Powerful, insisted that there was an ongoing “genocide plan in the South-East zone against Biafrans”, saying it was worrisome that the international community and global rights organisations were not doing anything about it.

The statement reads:

“The attention of the Indigenous People of Biafra under the command and leadership of our great leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has been drawn to the claims by Nigerian government and its military that they killed four IPOB and ESN operatives in Nnobi Idemili South LGA, Anambra State.

“We want to categorically state that IPOB and ESN members were not the ones killed in the said operation.

“Neither IPOB members nor ESN operatives were among those purportedly killed by the Army in Nnobi two days ago.

What happened was that they mistakenly killed some criminals and terrorists recruited by Supreme Court Administrator in Imo State, Hope Uzodimma, and the All Progressives Congress to wreck havoc in South-East.

“These hooligans are the ones unleashing mayhem on our people in the name of ESN, just to implicate and demonise IPOB. But nemesis caught up with them.”

The group also alleged that the Governor of Imo State, Hope Uzodima, had been “employing all manner of strategies to deliver Anambra State to APC,” urging the residents to resist him.

“We want the media to summon courage and ask the Nigerian military to tell them whom they killed at Nnobi, Anambra State, and they should stop linking IPOB to what happened at Ekwulobia in Aguata, two days ago.

“Similarly, the Nigerian Army is committing secret genocide in Biafraland. The whole world must take note of this atrocities and extrajudicial killings going on in Biafraland in the name of Operation Golden Dawn.

“Particularly, everybody must endeavour to watch the viral videos and pictures where Nigeria soldiers and its sister security agencies shooting innocent villagers in Awgu, Enugu State.

Nigerian security agents were sent into our territory to commit another round of genocide against innocent citizens of Biafra.

“We wonder why Amnesty International, Civil Liberty Organisations and other global rights bodies will keep quiet and allow the Nigerian military to be killing innocent citizens, because they accept to belong to the upcoming Biafra Nation,” the statement said.

IPOB alleges plot to kill Nnamdi Kanu’s lawyers

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has warned of alleged plans by the Federal Government to kill the lawyers of Nnamdi Kanu.

This allegation was contained in a statement issued on Friday by the IPOB spokesman, Emma Powerful, in Awka, Anambra State.

He gave the names of the lawyers as Ifeanyi Ejiofor and Aloy Ejimakor.

The statement reads, “We wish to put the whole world on notice about the wicked plot by the frustrated government of Nigeria to secretly eliminate our resilient lawyers, Ifeanyi Ejiofor and Aloy Ejimakor, over their committed efforts in the defence of our leader.

“The Nigerian government is not happy with the expertise and professional prowess of these veteran lawyers and other members of the legal team to deflate the fabricated charges against our leader, hence, their plot to eliminate them.

Intelligence report at our disposal also indicates that this covert plan extends to the elimination of Mazi Benjamin Madubugwu, Bright Ishinwa, Chidiebere Onwudiwe and David Nwawuisi.

“Several state coordinators are also on their elimination list, handed down by the Nigerian government to its security agencies.

“The Nigerian government intends to carry out this targeted elimination through the security personnel deployed in South-East under the guise of Operation Golden Dawn to do the dirty job.

“The compromised security agents have decided to eliminate Nnamdi Kanu’s lawyers once they step into any part of the South-East.

“The world should hold Nigeria Government responsible should anything happen to our lawyers and any of those listed above.”

IPOB’s sit-at-home order politicized – Uzodinma

The Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodinma, said on Wednesday the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) directive in the South-East has been politicized and is no longer obeyed in the state.

He disclosed this to State House correspondent after visiting President Muhammadu Buhari at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

Uzodinma and the Chairman of All Progressives Congress (APC) Caretaker and Extra-ordinary Convention Planning Committee, Mai Mala Buni, accompanied the Anambra State Deputy Governor, Nkem Okeke, to the State House to meet the President.

Okeke formally completed his switch to the APC from the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) on Wednesday.

Uzodinma affirmed that the security situation in Imo State was relatively good.

He, however, lamented that a large number of the state’s resources had been deployed into the provision of security in the state.

The governor said: “The sit-at-home order is also being politicised because those issuing the order are faceless. We have not seen either through newspapers or through broadcast order directing people to sit at home.

Rather, what we know that is happening is this paparazzi mentality of trying to put fear into our people and make innocent people vulnerable.

“As I speak to you, the sit-at-home order is not being obeyed in Imo state. So, I think we need to support the uninformed so that they don’t, out of fear, commit suicide.

“The truth of the matter is that we have security challenges. We had misunderstandings, disagreements, but we are able to also do a lot to bring these things to the barest minimum.

“So, the security situation in Imo State is relatively okay and people are going about their businesses.

“The only regret is that we have invested a lot of money trying to manage insecurity, which of course was not expected.

The management of crime can be likened to the relationship between husband and wife. It’s not everything they do to keep the peace that is discussed in the sitting room.

“Discussion in the bedroom produces a better result than the one in the living room.”

In bizarre move, IPOB bans eating of cows bred in the north

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has banned the rearing and consumption of cattle bred by northerners in the South-East part of the country.

The group’s director of state, Chika Edoziem, who disclosed this in a statement, said the ban would take effect on April 8, 2022.

He, however, said only the Efi Igbo (local cows) would be allowed for consumption and ceremonies in the region.

Edoziem added that the ban would end the incessant attacks on the people of the South-East.

The statement read: “8th April 2022 is the date. From that date, no more Fulani cow shall be allowed into Biafraland for any reason, not for burials, title taking and weddings etc.

“Only Efi Igbo (local cow) shall be consumed and used for all ceremonies in Biafraland.”

IPOB has been enforcing a sit-at-home order in the South-East since August in a bid to force the Federal Government to release its detained leader, Nnamdi Kanu, who is standing trial for alleged treason at the Federal High Court, Abuja.

However, the authenticity of the latest statement issued by the so-called IPOB director of state has not been confirmed.

This is because most of the statements emanating from the group were issued by its Secretary of Media and Publicity, Emma Powerful.

IPOB denies begging Nigerian politicians for money

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on Sunday denied soliciting funds from politicians to undertake its activities in the South-East.

The former Director of Radio Biafra, Simon Ekpa, had in August announced the opening of a new account in a bid to solicit donations and support for the Eastern Security Network (ESN), the group militia wing.

The IPOB spokesman, Emma Powerful, who made the clarification in a statement on Sunday, urged the media and Nigerians to be wary of people disguising as the group’s representatives.

The statement read: “Following numerous complaints we have received concerning people claiming to be representatives of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, who approach politicians in Nigeria, soliciting financial support for IPOB, we wish to clarify that IPOB has NEVER, and will NEVER ask anybody to beg for such financial support.

IPOB under the able leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu did not send anybody on such shameful errand.

IPOB is a global movement with members in over 100 countries and we know how we raise our funds. We don’t solicit financial support from politicians. We have nothing to do with Nigerian politicians; we don’t need their money!

“Therefore, anybody no matter how highly or lowly placed or even related to our Leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, parading as a representative of IPOB sent to collect financial support from any politician is on his or her own. Such impostors assuming the complaints are correct are scammers. They don’t have the mandate of IPOB.

“We, therefore, seriously warn anybody swindling unsuspecting or greedy politicians in the name of IPOB to immediately disembark from such scandalous mission or brace up for the dire consequences.”

Gbajabiamila clueless, ready to sacrifice anything for position– IPOB

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on Thursday slammed the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, for comparing the group to terror organizations.

The group described the speaker as a clueless politician who is always willing to sacrifice anything for position.

Gbajabiamila had a few weeks ago compared IPOB and Yoruba Nation agitators to Boko Haram terrorists.

He said the secessionist groups are not completely different from Boko Haram on ideology.

However, the speaker’s media aide, Lanre Lasisi, in a statement issued a few days later denied that his principal compared IPOB and the Yoruba Nation group with terrorists.

But in a statement signed by its spokesman, Emma Powerful, IPOB said the speaker’s statement was stupidity and idiocy taken too far.

The statement read: “The attention of the global movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by our great leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has been drawn to the fallacious and careless statement by the clueless politician of our time, Gbajabiamila, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

“He displayed ignorance and servitude by comparing non-violent IPOB movement with the murderous Boko Haram terrorists, Fulani bandits, and the killer herdsmen wreaking havoc across Nigeria.

“We know he made such reckless and irresponsible remark in his quest to impress his political slave masters to retain his position. But it was stupidity and idiocy taken too far. Alhaji Gbajabiamila should not forget that his Yoruba kinsmen are also agitating for freedom today because of the evil agenda of his Fulani slave masters.

“He should not forget that they will surely come for him after using him to castigate and destroy his Southern brethren. What stupid blindness all in the name of political correctness.

“The recent statement from Gbajabiamila shows his ignorance about IPOB and he doesn’t understand that IPOB is present in almost all the countries of the world. Do terrorists openly parade themselves as IPOB does or do they hide their faces?

“We are however not surprised at such position by a man who shamelessly converted from Christianity to Islam because of political position. When they dangled the House of Representatives speakership for him, he quickly renounced his faith and like the dog he is, he fell on his fours to lick the vomit from his Fulani handlers. This is the man who wants to educate us on who terrorists are.

“He should be ashamed of himself. He is after his stomach and ready to sacrifice anything for his political position. A man who betrayed his faith and religion because of politics can never be trusted for anything. Even Satan cannot so cheaply renounce his faith!

“Gbajabiamila and his crew of Fulani terrorists cannot change our strategy nor deter us from achieving Biafra freedom from Nigeria. Gbajabiamila or whatever you call yourself stay away from IPOB or sorry will definitely be your new name. Every fool will wake up and mouth the hallowed name of IPOB to raise their dimming political profile.

IPOB alleges plot by security agencies to attack citizens in SE on Monday

The Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), on Sunday, alleged that it has uncovered a scheme by security agencies, especially the Department of States (DSS) and the police to disguise as IPOB and ESN operatives to attack traders who come out tomorrow (Monday) for their legitimate business.

According to the group, “Security agencies have perfected plans to unleash attacks on innocent people in the name of ESN and IPOB volunteers. We have no plans again to enforce any sit-at-home order.

“The Nigeria security agents are to be held accountable for any attack tomorrow on innocent Biafrans. Our people should resist any attempt by anybody to attack them tomorrow.”

This was contained in a statement issued by the IPOB spokesman, Emma Powerful.

He added, “We, therefore want to put the world especially residents of Biafra land that IPOB has since two weeks ago suspended its initially declared Monday sit-at-home order. It, therefore, makes no sense that we will at the same time be enforcing the suspended order”.

He restates that there is no longer Ghost Mondays in the South-east in solidarity with the detained leader of the group, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, stating that, “Sit-at-home will only be observed on the days our leader will be making appearances in court. Such days will be well publicised ahead of time.

Everybody is hereby placed on alert about this wicked plot. IPOB will not tolerate any attack on any Biafran or resident of Biafra under any guise. People should be allowed to go about their businesses without any molestation or harassment.”

Abdulsalami counsels IPOB, Yoruba Nation group, others

A former Head of State, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar (retd) on Thursday urged the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Yoruba Nation agitators to embrace Nigeria’s diversity and other enduring attributes.

Abdulsalami, who made the call at the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) Legacy Dialogue 2021 in Minna, Niger State, urged the separatist groups to maintain the unity of Nigeria by exposing the people behind insecurity in the country.
The ex-military ruler insisted that the best option for the country in its current state was to remain united.

He said: “Even if you break Nigeria now, how are you going to do? When everybody, every Nigerian, anywhere you go in the village, you will find a Hausa man, a Yoruba man, an Igbo man, Itsekiri, and so on and so forth.

“So, when you say you divide, where do you draw the line with the inter-marriages and so on and so forth? It is going to be difficult.

“I advice Nigerians that all hands should be on deck to address the menace, calling on Nigerians to expose perpetrators of insecurity.

“So, let us expose them to the authorities and let us put our hands on deck to tackle the security challenges.”

Sit-at-home order 100% successful in South-East – IPOB

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) boasted on Monday that its sit-at-home directive was 100 percent successful in the South-East.

The group issued the directive last week to protest the continued detention of its leader, Nnamdi Kanu, by the Federal Government.

In a statement issued by its spokesman, Emma Powerful, IPOB commended the people of the region for complying fully with the directive.

It urged the people to remain resolute in their push for Biafra.

The statement read: “We the global family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by our prophet and liberator, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, are delighted to note that this ghost town and sit-at-home order issued by IPOB leadership was 100 percent successful.

The quest to demand the release of our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, from DSS dungeons will continue but from another dimension until they release our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

“We, therefore, warmly commend Biafrans, friends of Biafra and lovers of Biafra freedom who made the exercise a huge success irrespective of counter orders from unknown men working for DSS to discredit IPOB and its leadership.

“We equally thank our gallant security outfit and volunteer members who made this exercise a successful event today, the 9th of August 2021.

“The huge success recorded in the sit-at-home order today has again further demonstrated that IPOB is intact and has no issues with anybody. We are in unity and we can restore Biafra sooner than expected.

“We, therefore, encourage all Biafrans to remain resolute in our struggle for self-determination which is our fundamental right.”

Ghost Monday: Owerri, Aba, Onitsha, Nnewi on lockdown as ordered by IPOB, one reportedly killed

The commercial city of Aba, Abia State, Nnewi and Onitsha in Anambra State as well as Owerri in Imo State were on Monday placed on lockdown by residents who refused to exit their houses or carry out commercial activities in compliance with a directive by the outlawed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

There were no vehicular movements in the cities, and commercial activities were suspended.

Reports from Nnewi indicate that one person may have been killed, but details are still sketchy as to the identity of the victim or circumstances that may have led to the death.

The IPOB group had declared a sit-at-home directive for every Monday in the South-East region of the country starting August 9 to press home demands for the release of its leader, Nnamdi Kanu who is being tried for treason related offenses by the Nigerian government.

It had also earlier threaten to deal with anyone who flouts the order which it described as Ghost Monday, a situation which must have scared many residents to remain indoors to avoid possible violence.

Most shops and offices were under lock and key in Owerri, Onitsha, Nnewi and Aba as at the time of this report, against pleas by the state governments and the police for citizens to ignore the IPOB directive and go about their normal businesses.

There had been confusion earlier whether or not the Ghost Monday had been called off after contradicting communications came form the IPOB and a younger brother to the detained IPOB leader, Kanunta Kanu, who was said to have encouraged residents of the South-East to ignore the IPOB directive.

Kanunta had in a statement on Sunday, suspended the sit-at-home action, citing the National Examination Council’s (NECO) exams for junior secondary school students that had just begun as a reason.

Also, the IPOB leader’s younger brother said the group would announce a new date for the commencement of the sit-at-home.

However, the IPOB Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, in a counter-statement, maintained that the group would go ahead with the sit-at-home as planned on Monday, stating that the date remained sacrosanct.

Nigerian security agents disguise as gunmen in South-East – IPOB

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on Wednesday accused the Nigerian security operatives of carrying out the attacks in the South-East.

In a statement issued by its Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, the group cautioned those behind the killing of innocent people in Okporo and Umutanze Orlu in Imo State to “stop the ethnic cleansing or brace up for mass resistance by the people.”

IPOB also accused the security agents of burning houses in the South-East and blaming their actions on unknown gunmen.

It challenged the Nigerian Police Force to immediately release the people they arrested and tagged as Eastern Security Network (ESN) operatives or charge them to court.

The statement read: “The Nigerian Police should stop parading innocent people and tag them ESN personnel because there is nobody looking or missing in IPOB; parading innocent people and tagging them ESN shows that Nigeria Police and Army have failed and don’t know their job.

“Since Nigeria abandoned their duty and focused on dishing false information to the public, we are out to expose them. Those you paraded to the public are not ESN members. Nigeria must stop ridiculing itself in the world because everyone is watching their activities.

If this secret genocide is not halted, both the perpetrators and their sponsors will be dealt with in no distant future.

“It is regrettable that some shameless politicians would connive with the oppressors to kill their own who committed no crime other than demanding their freedom from the Nigeria contraption.

“These Efulefus and evil politicians decided to sponsor Nigeria Army and Police to attack innocent Biafrans in Orlu and other places in Biafra land to implicate IPOB and ESN.

“We are warning politicians and traitors amongst us supporting this evil agenda to call it quit or brace up for the wrath of the people.

“It is ridiculous to think that IPOB which has been operating for many years now will suddenly start killing.”

Anambra govt, Police move to render IPOB’s stay-at-home order ineffective

The Anambra State Government and the state’s Police Command have initiated moves to ensure that the sit-at-home order issued by the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is of no effect.

And in order to forestall any breakdown in law and order, state and the Police have pledged to institute measures to ensure that the residents of the state would not be intimidated by any person or group.

This pledge came as a sequel to the sit-at-home threat issued by the IPOB.

Ripples Nigeria had reported that the IPOB declared what it called ‘Ghost Monday’ in the South-East, starting from August 9.

The group is aiming to pressure the Federal Government towards releasing its leader, Nnamdi Kanu, currently in the detention of the Department of State Services.

However, in his statement on Monday, the Anambra state Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, C-Don Adinuba, said: “We won’t disclose our plans in the media, but I want to assure you that we have big plans to ensure that our people are free from any form of intimidation.”

In the same vein, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Ikenga Tochukwu, affirmed that the Command was committed to the protection of the people of the state.

Finally, Kanu meets lawyer, Ejiofor, sends message to IPOB members from DSS custody

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu has finally met his lawyer, Ifeanyi Ejiofor, and sent a special message to the members of the proscribed group from his detention under the custody of the Department of State Service (DSS).

Kanu, who met with Ejiofor, on Monday, expressed gratitude to all members of the group and those who are fighting for his release.

This was the first meeting between the Kanu and his lawyer since his last arraignment in court.

Ejiofor had who is Kanu’s lead counsel had alleged many times that the DSS had refused him access to his client in violation of a court order.

Justice Binta Nyako of the Federal High Court in Abuja had ordered the DSS to grant Ejiofor access to his client, Kanu, without any further delay.

However, speaking in a statement on Monday, Ejiofor said, “After weeks of speculations and uncertainties, we have finally seen our Client-Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. We can authoritatively confirm this position to the World. He is firm and stable, less the burden of solitary confinement and concomitant mental torture arising therefrom.

“Though the Detaining Authority is giving him medical attention, he still requires advanced medical care, which formed a substantial part of the relief in our application before the Court.

He specifically requested that we should extend his heartfelt compliment to millions of his supporters worldwide and all foreign Governments and institutions who are relentlessly following up. Media houses are indeed not left out of this classification.

“We are winning but your prayers are doing wonders, don’t relent, as you continue to remain law-abiding.”

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