Boko Haram thrives in Nigeria due to instability in Libya – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari has said the Boko Haram menace in Nigeria is due to the instability in Libya.

Buhari made the remark when he received the new Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mr Mahamat Saleh Annadif, a Chadian, at the State House on Tuesday.

He urged countries in the West African sub-region and the Sahel to team up against insecurity.

A statement released on Tuesday, quoted the president as saying: “You are our neighbour. You have vast experience on matters affecting the Sahel, having served for five years in Mali. I hope you will get the countries to work together to confront the issues affecting them.”A statement released on Tuesday, quoted the president as saying: “You are our neighbour. You have vast experience on matters affecting the Sahel, having served for five years in Mali. I hope you will get the countries to work together to confront the issues affecting them.”

Describing the problems as “enormous; ”Buhari noted that “Boko Haram has exerted a heavy toll in terms of lives and resources on Nigeria and some neighbouring countries, while Mali equally has a large swathe of the country occupied by militants.

“I hope under the auspices of UNOWAS, you will help get the problems sorted out. Most of them have to do with the instability in Libya, and it affects all of us.”

Buhari promised Nigeria’s support to the Special representative to help him succeed in his assignment.

On his part, Annadif said he was visiting shortly after his appointment because he recognized the crucial role of Nigeria in West Africa.

He said he was quite familiar with the problems of the Sahel region and would depend on the help of Nigeria to succeed.

Buhari, Ghana, Ivory Coast Presidents will be removed – Prophet Okikijesu

Founder, Christ Apostolic Miracle Ministry, Apostle Paul Okikijesu has said that God is about to reject the government of President Muhammadu Buhari.

According to the cleric, God said that if the president refuses to change, He will reject his government just like He rejected the government of biblical character, King Saul.

“Thus says the Lord: If the President refuses to quickly make amendments during this period, I will change hands concerning his government, says the Lord God of hosts,” he said.

Speaking further, Apostle Okikijesu said that the actions of the Presidents of Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Ghana do not please God.

He stated; “Thus says the Lord: If these leaders refuse to take steps of rectification, My judgment will come upon them mightily.

“If they refuse to pay attention to the voice of I the Lord from the mouths of the religious advisers; if they elevate humans or idols more than I the Lord; then the judgment of I the Lord will come upon them and I the Lord will work with a harsh judgment hand.

“They will not be able to continue their tenure because their position will be given to their neighbors that are better than them. That is, the people who will occupy their posts are beside them; the positions will be taken away from them, says the Lord God of hosts, unless they repent and amend their ways.

They should write down this period; if they refuse to take steps of rectification; if they refuse to turn to I the Lord; if they refuse to turn to the God of heavens who is the God of the Hebrews; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; if they refuse to ask the religious advisers who are filled with the Holy Spirit, to inquire what the Lord wants and expects from their governance. If they refuse to take all these steps, then, they will be removed from office, and their positions will be given to their neighbors who are better than them.

They will lose their positions, and the judgment of I the Lord will come upon them. They will witness a severe hand of judgment; because what I the Lord had spoken concerning their souls will happen, so they should believe that there is no powerful being that has power over his/her own soul.

“Thus says the Lord: I the Lord is the owner of the souls of these Presidents, and I the Lord can ask for their souls anytime that I like; with no one who can obstruct or delay me.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: It is not Apostle Paul Okikijesu who owns the souls of these Presidents, but it is I the Lord God of hosts who is God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Israel. I, the God of their forefathers is the One who owns their souls. I the Lord can ask for their souls anytime that I like, and their posts will be given to their neighbors who are better than them”.

We were promised N1k to support Buhari – Pro-Buhari protesters (Video)

Some pro-Buhari supporters have admitted that were promised N1,000 to come out and stage a counter-protest against the June 12 protesters in Abuja on Saturday.

Various groups scheduled demonstrations on June 12 – designated as Democracy Day in Nigeria – to protest against the state of the nation.

The June 12 protesters had chosen the Unity Fountain as their convergence point, but they could not gain access to the venue.

Interestingly, moments later, some pro-government protesters converged at the venue under the aegis of #IStandWithBuhari movement.

The protesters were clad in white and green T-shirts and carried placards with different inscriptions to show their solidarity with President Buhari.

Speaking to Roots TV, two of the protesters, both women, admitted that they were promised N1,000 each if they participate in the protest.

When asked by the reporter if they have been paid, one of the ladies said “no”, but stated that she is sure they will be paid.

The interview was, however, cut short by one of the leaders of the #IStandWithBuhari movement, who insisted that “nobody should grant any interview”.

Watch the video:

I’m prepared to lay down my life for Nigeria – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari says he was prepared to lay down his life for the betterment of the country when he joined the Nigerian Army.

Buhari who stated this in his speech in commemoration of the June 12 Democracy Day on Saturday, expressed optimism that the country would surmount the current security and economic challenges bedeviling it.

According to the president, his administration is working hard to ensure that the killings in many part of the country come to an end.

He appreciated Nigerians for their support and patience despite the challenges, stressing that the country will come out of the current situation stronger.

He said; “Overcoming the present challenges is but one of a necessary process that we have to undergo as a nation so that we can come out stronger.

“The day I joined the Nigerian Army, I was prepared to lay down my life for Nigeria.”

I don’t like when governors make promises but don’t perform – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari says he does not like when governors make promises during campaign but end up not performing well after winning elections.

Buhari who stated this in an interview with ARISE TV on Thursday, June 10, challenged governors to look inward towards finding solutions to security challenges plaguing their states, particularly those afflicted by killer herdsmen.

The President disclosed that two South-West governors visited him over the destruction of farms in their states by herdsmen.

He said; “I asked them what happened to the grassroots security panels where traditional rulers to local governments who meet regularly to identify the root of their problems and identify crooks within their environment and apprehend the criminals.

Who destroyed this system? Go back and fix it. Give your people sense of belongings. I don’t like it when people campaign to become governors, and people trusted them with their votes, and after winning, they can’t perform.

“They’re trying to push responsibilities to others. We have three tiers of government: federal, state, and local.’’

On devolution of powers, Buhari frowned upon politicians deliberately destroying the local government system.

Devolution of powers, you have to define it. Well, actually, the local government system has been killed. The federal, state, and local governments if they agree to flow properly we won’t have all these problems.

“But the problem is the local government has been virtually killed, and this is not good for this country because those who became the local government chairmen have been compromised. If your local government is entitled to receive 300 million and later you are only given 100 million, and the chairman will keep quiet. Is that how we will continue?” he said.

Buhari replaces NBC Director-General amid Twitter ban

President Muhammadu Buhari, has approved the appointment of Balarabe Shehu Ilelah as the Director-General of the National Broadcasting Commission, NBC.

Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, announced the appointment in a statement on Friday in Abuja.

He the appointment of Ilelah, a veteran broadcaster “is for a tenure of five years in the first instance.”

Ilelah replaces erstwhile DG, Prof Armstrong Idachaba, amid the Twitter ban.

Recall that the NBC had directed broadcast stations to deactivate their Twitter accounts shortly after the ban issued by the Federal Government.

Boko Haram fuelled by unemployment, poverty – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari says the Boko Haram insurgency in Northern Nigeria is largely fuelled by youth unemployment and poverty, noting that the “level of poverty is almost unimaginable.”

He said this in an interview with Arise TV on Thursday, June 10, 2021.

According to Buhari, his government has done a lot to fight the terrorists but the problem in the “North-East is very difficult.”

He said he believes majority of the Boko Haram members are Nigerians after being told so by the Borno State Governor, Babagana Zulum, who according to him, is working very hard and taking a lot of risks.

He noted that he recently changed service chiefs to re-energise the fight against Boko Haram and other security challenges.

Condemning the Boko Haram terrorists, President Buhari said: “You can’t kill innocent people and say God is great.”

He, however, added that his administration has recorded significant achievements, noting that Nigerians know the difference between when he came in and now.

Buhari dragged to ECOWAS court over Twitter ban

Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) and 176 concerned Nigerians have filed a lawsuit against the government of President Muhammadu Buhari over “the unlawful suspension of Twitter in Nigeria.

Information and Culture minister, Lai Mohammed last week announced the suspension of Twitter in Nigeria days after the social media platform deleted Buhari’s tweet for violating its rules.

The government has also threatened to arrest and prosecute anyone using Twitter in the country, while the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has asked all broadcast stations to suspend the patronage of Twitter.

At the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice in Abuja, SERAP and the concerned Nigerians are seeking, “An order of interim injunction restraining the Federal Government from implementing its suspension of Twitter in Nigeria, and subjecting anyone including media houses, broadcast stations using Twitter in Nigeria, to harassment, intimidation, arrest and criminal prosecution, pending the hearing and determination of the substantive suit.”

In the suit filed by the solicitor to SERAP, Femi Falana, the plaintiffs contend that “if this application is not urgently granted, the Federal Government will continue to arbitrarily suspend Twitter and threaten to impose criminal and other sanctions on Nigerians, telecommunication companies, media houses, broadcast stations and other people using Twitter in Nigeria, the perpetual order sought in this suit might be rendered nugatory.”

The suit read; “The suspension of Twitter is aimed at intimidating and stopping Nigerians from using Twitter and other social media platforms to assess government policies, expose corruption, and criticize acts of official impunity by the agents of the Federal Government.

The free communication of information and ideas about public and political issues between citizens and elected representatives is essential. This implies a free press and other media able to comment on public issues without censor or restraints, and to inform public opinion. The public also has a corresponding right to receive media output.

“Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and the full enjoyment of this right is central to achieving individual freedom and to developing democracy. It is not only the cornerstone of democracy but indispensable to a thriving civil society.

The arbitrary action by the Federal Government and its agents have negatively impacted millions of Nigerians who carry on their daily businesses and operational activities on Twitter. The suspension has also impeded the freedom of expression of millions of Nigerians, who criticize and influence government policies through the microblogging app.

“The suspension of Twitter is arbitrary, and there is no law in Nigeria today permitting the prosecution of people simply for peacefully exercising their human rights through Twitter and other social media platforms.

“The suspension and threat of prosecution by the Federal Government constitute a fundamental breach of the country’s international human rights obligations including under Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and Article 19 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Nigeria is a state party.

“The suspension has seriously undermined the ability of Nigerians and other people in the country to freely express themselves in a democracy and undermined the ability of journalists, media houses, broadcast stations, and other people to freely carry out their professional duties.

A lot of Nigerians at home and abroad rely on Twitter coverage of topical issues of public interest to access impartial, objective and critical information about ideas and views on how the Nigerian government is performing its constitutional and international human rights obligations.

“The implication of the decline in freedom of expression in Nigeria is that the country is today ranked alongside countries hostile to human rights and media freedom such as Afghanistan, Chad, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe and Colombia.”

Those who want to destroy my government will have shock of their lives – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday issued a stern warning to those plotting to destroy Nigeria, saying they will soon receive the shock of their lives.

Speaking after he received a briefing from Chairman of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof Mahmood Yakubu, on series of attacks on facilities of the electoral body around the country, President Buhari said the Federal Government has given the perpetrators enough time.

The president promised to continue leading the country in accordance with constitutional provisions, adding that those misbehaving in certain parts of the country were obviously too young to know the travails and loss of lives that attended the Nigerian Civil War.

On the dangers posed to future elections by the burning of INEC facilities, President Buhari said he would give the electoral commission all it needed to operate.

Buhari said; “I receive daily security reports on the attacks on critical national infrastructure, and it is very clear that those behind them want this administration to fail. Whoever wants the destruction of the system will soon have the shock of their lives. We’ve given them enough time.

I received a briefing today from the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), on the series of attacks on their facilities nationwide. These attacks are totally unacceptable, and we will not allow those behind them to achieve their evil objectives.

I have assured INEC that we will make available to them everything they need to operate efficiently, so that no one will say we don’t want to go, or that we want a third term. There will be no excuse for failure. We will meet all of INEC’s demands.

In the area of security, we have changed the Service Chiefs and the Inspector-General, and we are demanding that they rise fully to the challenges confronting us. There must be zero tolerance for all those those bent on destroying our country by promoting crime and insurrection!

Many of those misbehaving today are too young to be aware of the destruction and loss of lives that occurred during the Nigerian Civil War. Those of us in the fields for 30 months, who went through the war, will treat them in the language they understand.”

Nigerian Army will discharge duties with loyalty to Buhari – Army Chief

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Maj. Gen Farouk Yahaya, on Monday, addressed the Nigerian Army leadership in Abuja.

The COAS said he will command the Army “to win all land battles in defence of the territorial integrity of Nigeria, protect her national interests and accomplish assigned tasks in aid of civil authority among other responsibilities”.

The speech delivered to the Principal Staff Officers and Field Commanders unveiled his vision.

Yahaya pledged the unalloyed commitment and loyalty of the Army to President Muhaadu Buhari.

He assured all officers and men of exemplary and professional leadership that would serve as a rallying point for all.

“The NA under my command will discharge its duties with diligence, commitment and loyalty to the President Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari,’’ Army spokesman, Mohammed Yerima, quoted Yahaya as saying.

The COAS pointed out that his appointment came at a time when the Army lost its former Chief Lieutenant General Ibrahim Attahiru who died in a plane crash along with 10 other officers.

He described the late COAS as a big brother, a brilliant officer and a mentor who showed. exemplary leadership in his brief stay in office.

Yahaya assured of his desire to continue on the good footprints of the deceased General.

The Army chief said his vision is channelled towards defeating all security challenges presently confronting Nigeria in collaboration with other security agencies.

Nigerians will praise Buhari after his tenure in 2023 – Femi Adesina

Presidential aide, Femi Adesina, says that President Muhammadu Buhari has recorded achievements that will make Nigerians proud of him after leaving office in 2023.

The Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, said this in a statement titled; ‘The Buhari Administration at 6: Counting the Blessings One by One’, on Friday, May 28.

Adesina’s statement outlined the achievements of Buhari’s regime in the last six years.

It read; “The Muhammadu Buhari administration clocks six years May 29, 2021.

This milestone affords the opportunity to reflect, and recount the impact that has been made (and is being made) on different sectors of national life.

“From infrastructure, to finance, education, healthcare, sports, anti-corruption, human development, housing, oil and gas, foreign relations, and many others, the administration is recording giant strides, enough to make Nigerians proud.

“That is, those who are dispassionate and fair-minded, not beclouded by political partisanship and undue cynicism.

“Some people claim: ‘We don’t see what they are doing. We don’t hear about it.’

When the Administration breasts the tape in another two years, by the grace of God, the applause will be resounding, even from the worst of sceptics.

“Facts are undeniable, and always remain so. They are stubborn things.”

Buhari, Jonathan Meet For Discussions In Abuja.

Former President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan has met with President Muhammadu Buhari for discussions on the current situation in Mali.

Buhari received the former President Jonathan, who is a Special Envoy and ECOWAS mediator to the Republic of Mali, in Aso Rock on Friday.

According to Femi Adesina, presidential spokesman, Jonathan had earlier met with the key political actors ahead of the meeting of ECOWAS leaders under the Chairmanship of President Nana Akufo-Addo of the Republic of Ghana

He added that the meeting of the regional leaders was necessary to urgently find an acceptable solution to the current impasse in the West African nation.

While speaking at the meeting held at the State House, Abuja, Buhari called on the actors in the political crisis rocking the West African nation to come together for peace and unity.

Buhari said, “A situation where most parts of the country are in the hands of insurgents calls for a consensus and restoration of peace, not a further escalation of the crisis.”

Buhari’s refusal to appoint Igbo Army Chief shows he doesn’t believe in one Nigeria – HURIWA

Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria, HURIWA, has tackled President Muhammadu for once again appointing a northerner as the Chief of Army Staff.

National Coordinator of HURIWA, Emmanuel Onwubiko, in a statement on Thursday, said the President’s refusal to appoint an Army Chief from the South-Eastern region shows that he does not believe in the unity of the country.

Buhari, on Thursday appointed Major General Farouk Yahaya as the new Chief of Army Staff following the tragic death of the former COAS, Lt. Gen. Ibrahim Attahiru, in a plane crash last Friday.

Attahiru, his predecessor Buratai and successor Yakubu are all from Northern Nigeria.

Reacting to the latest appointment of a new COAS, HURIWA in a statement titled, ‘New Army Chief: We Are No Longer Shocked By Buhari’s Primitive Nepotism’, criticised President Buhari for not distributing his appointments across all the socio-ethnic interests in the country.

The statement read in part; “The shameless, nepotistic decision of President Buhari to continue in the illegal and unconstitutional abuses of appointing only Hausa/Fulani citizens into juicy Internal Security positions in breach of the Nigerian Constitutional provision of Federal Character is despicable, reprehensible and totally toxic.”

The group accused Buhari of violating his constitutional oath of office by his aversion to respect the Federal Character principle.

Buhari’s refusal to appoint an officer from the South-East of Nigeria as the Army Chief of Staff even when he is the most senior of the Major Generals further solidify his notoriety as someone who does not believe in one Nigeria,” HURIWA stated

Meanwhile, Apex Igbo socio-cultural organisation, Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide, had criticised the President for appointing four service chiefs and an acting Inspector General of Police without any of the five appointees being of Igbo extraction.

Ohanaeze had said the injustice of the Federal Government under the leadership of Buhari was responsible for the growing agitations and insecurity in the South-East.

Video: Buhari didn’t attend the Army Chief’s burial because he didn’t want to obstruct traffic – Presidency

The Presidency says President Muhammadu Buhari did not attend the late Chief of Army Staff, Ibrahim Attahiru’s burial because he did not want to obstruct the free flow of traffic in the Federal Capital Territory.

Presidential aide, Garba Shehu made this known during an interview on Arise TV.

Buhari and Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo failed to attend the funeral of Attahiru and six other senior military officers who died in a plane crash in Kaduna last Friday.

Many Nigerians questioned the president’s absence at the funeral rites of one of his service chiefs who died while serving the country.

But Shehu, who spoke in defense of Buhari said, “I was in Europe myself on assignment, and I have not spoken to the president on this but let me give you just one example: The president is somebody who is so concerned about the safety and wellbeing of ordinary Nigerians on the streets.

“Do you know why he now prays his Jumaat in the State House and doesn’t go to the national mosque? Because he doesn’t like this idea of closing roads, security men molesting people on the road for the president to have the right of way.

“these are small things for many people, but they are important for President Muhammadu Buhari. So, it is a mourning situation, and the president didn’t want to take away attention from that.”

Watch video:

Buhari declares Monday work-free for military in honour of late army chief, 10 others

President Muhammadu Buhari has declared Monday a work-free day for members of the Armed Forces in honour of the Chief of Army Staff, Lt-Gen. Tukur Buratai and 10 other persons who died in last week’s plane crash in Kaduna.

Attahiru and 10 other military officers died when a Nigerian Air Force (NAF) plane crashed near the Kaduna International Airport on Friday evening.

The Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha, who disclosed this in a statement on Sunday night, said the national flag would fly at half-mast in all public buildings and facilities across the country from Monday in honour of the dead military officers.

The statement read: “His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, has authorized that the National Flag should be flown at half-mast in all public buildings, facilities and official residences with effect from Monday, May 24 to Wednesday, May 26, 2021.

This approval is to honour the memory and services of the Late Chief of Army Staff, Lt-Gen. Ibrahim Attahiru, 10 senior military and service members who lost their lives in the plane crash on Friday, May 21, 2021.

“The President has similarly approved a work-free day for members of the Armed Forces on Monday, May 24, 2021.”

Reno Omokri to lead protest to ”harrass” Buhari out of Paris

Former presidential aide, Reno Omokri is set to lead a protest in Paris, France, to ‘harass’ President Muhammadu Buhari back to Nigeria.

He urged Nigerians in Paris to convene at the Temporary Exhibition Centre, in front of the Eiffel Tower on Tuesday for a peaceful protest.

The author and communications specialist earlier conducted a poll on his Facebook page soliciting the idea of Nigerians particularly the youths to ascertain whether to protest or allow President Buhari remain in France.

At the end of the poll, he concluded to embark on the protest after majority of his supporters opted in for the #harassBuhariOutOfParis.

Omokri made his decision known in a post on his official Facebook page.

“Do you love Nigeria? Are you based in Paris? Join us for the #HarassBuhariOutOfParis peaceful protest tomorrow, 12 noon, Paris Time, at the Temporary Exhibition Centre, in front of the Eiffel Tower.

“Muhammadu Buhari can’t be globetrotting, while Nigeria is drifting. Go back and fix Nigeria!

“Please do this for the love of Nigeria”, he wrote.

Recall that Omokri had initiated a protest in Abuja House, London, over a month ago during the president’s medical trip to the United Kingdom.

Buhari departs Nigeria for France on Sunday

President Muhammadu Buhari will on Sunday fly out of Nigeria to France on an 4-day official visit.

He would attend the African Finance Summit which will focus on reviewing the African economy, following shocks from the Coronavirus pandemic and getting relief, especially from the increased debt burden on countries.

The summit, to be hosted by President Emmanuel Macron, will draw major stakeholders from global financial institutions and some Heads of Government, who will, collectively, discuss external funding and debt treatment for Africa and private sector reforms.

A statement by the Senior Special Assistant on Media & Publicity to the President, Garba Shehu said during the visit, Buhari will meet with the French President to discuss growing security threats in the Sahel and Lake Chad region, political relations, economic ties, climate change and partnership in buoying the health sector, particularly in checking the spread of COVID-19, with more research and vaccines.

“Before returning to Nigeria, President Buhari will receive some key players in the oil and gas sector, engineering and telecommunications, European Council and European Union Representative for Foreign and Security Policy and Commission, as well as members of the Nigerian community in France,” the statement read in part.

Insecurity: We won’t relocate AFRICOM to Nigeria, others – US replies Buhari

The United States has said there is no plan to relocate its Africa Command (AFRICOM) from its current base in Stuttgart, Germany to Nigeria or any other African nation despite the worsening state of insecurity in the region.

The US Department of Defense, gave the response barely two weeks after President Muhammadu Buhari appealed to the US government to consider relocating AFRICOM to Africa to assist Nigeria and other adjoining countries to combat worsening terrorism, banditry and other security crises.

Germany-based Africa Command (AFRICOM) is the US military headquarters that oversees its operations in Africa.

Buhari said; “The security challenges in Nigeria remain of great concern to us and impacted more negatively, by existing complex negative pressures in the Sahel, Central and West Africa, as well as the Lake Chad Region.”

He added; “In this connection, and considering the growing security challenges in West and Central Africa, Gulf of Guinea, Lake Chad region and the Sahel, weighing heavily on Africa, it underscores the need for the United States to consider relocating AFRICOM headquarters from Stuttgart, Germany to Africa and near the Theatre of Operation.”

However, responding to an email inquiry from The PUNCH, the US government through The Pentagon, on Thursday ruled out any plan to relocate AFRICOM from its current base in Germany to Nigeria or any part of Africa.

It said previous studies have shown that the cost of relocating AFRICOM from Germany to Africa is very huge.

In the emailed response to The Punch on whether the US would consider Nigeria’s request to relocate AFRICOM to the continent, The Pentagon said although it would continue to value Nigeria and other countries in Africa as important partners, the American government would not consider relocating AFRICOM to any part of the African continent at the moment.

It would be inappropriate to speculate on any future actions. However, at this time, moving this headquarters (AFRICOM HQ) to Africa is not part of any plans, but USAFRICOM’s commitment to their mission, our African and other partners, remains as strong today as when we launched this command more than a decade ago,” US Pentagon spokesperson, Ms Cindi King said.

King also ruled out any plan to consider Buhari’s request in an ongoing global US defense review.

She said; “Although there is an ongoing Global Posture Review, the relocation of Combatant Command headquarters is outside the scope of its assessment. In the case of AFRICOM, previous studies have concluded that the cost associated with the relocation of this headquarters is significant and likely to incur the expense of other engagement opportunities and activities that more directly benefit our valued African partners.

“We greatly value the partnership with Nigeria and appreciate President Buhari’s recognition of the United States’ positive contribution to African peace and security, as well as other regional partners that have made similar past pronouncements. The United States remains committed to continuing our close partnership with African countries and organisations to promote security and stability.”

I’ve started asking God to remove Buhari – Bishop Wale Oke

Bishop, Sword of the Spirit Ministries, Ibadan, Bishop Francis Wale Oke, says he has started praying that God removes President Muhammadu Buhari.

Oke, who was speaking at his church’s vigil on Friday, said Buhari has failed woefully.

The cleric, who is also the National President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), said even during the civil war, Nigeria did not witness as many killings as is the case today.

He then called for the removal of the President if that would pave the way for desired peace in the country.

He said: “Some wicked people kidnapped some students and demanded N800m for their release; then killed them.

“The government could not lift a finger and you are telling me that the President has not failed? Buhari has failed!”

“For the first time, I have found myself praying that God should remove Buhari. They kidnapped students without the government doing anything and you are telling me that the government has not failed?

“Are you saying we can not move against an incompetent government whose security apparatus has collapsed?”

The clergyman added: ”I am not afraid of anybody. I am not! I am the prophet of the Most High, He watches over me. No bullet of the enemy can kill me; I can’t die in the hands of a man.”

APC threatens to report Fr. Mbaka to Pope Francis for ”threatening” Buhari

The All Progressives Congress (APC), says Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, spiritual director of the Adoration Ministry, Enugu, is threatening the government of President Muhammadu Buhari.

Yekini Nabena, deputy national publicity secretary, said this in reaction to comments credited to the Catholic priest.

In a sermon on Wednesday, Mbaka asked Buhari to resign over the worsening insecurity in the country.

But in a statement on Friday, the APC spokesman said if the priest continues to “cause disaffection” for the government, he will report him to Pope Francis, leader of the Catholic Church.

Nabena said Mbaka is supposed to use “all known spiritual means of averting crisis but rather threatening a democratically elected government for his own personal benefit while pretending to be speaking for the people”.

The statement read; “One will wonder whom Father Mbaka is emulating because the Lord Jesus Christ did not threaten to bring down the government during his own time, in fact, Jesus Christ obeyed and honoured constituted authority.

“That’s why he paid his tax. We are calling on Father Mbaka to concentrate on his spiritual calling and stop speaking like politicians who it is obvious he (Mbaka) has been dining and wining with.

“If Mbaka has found another political ally, it is better to leave a political message for politicians.

Calling on President Muhammadu Buhari to either resign or be impeached because of the current challenges is ungodly.

“Father Mbaka should not, however, take his luck too far because there is a lot to tell the Vatican and the Pope about his person and his sources of inspiration.”

He asked the priest to emulate Pastor EA Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) who “prays and fasts” to avert crisis in the country.

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