Buhari, You Brought Crises On Nigeria With Your Lopsided Appointments, Failure To Curb Killer Herdsmen – Falana Tackles President

Human rights lawyer and Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Femi Falana, has stated that the failure of the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government to check insecurity as well as its many lopsided appointments is fueling secessionist agitations in the country.

Falana added that the socio-economic and security challenges confronting the country could be traced back to decades of misrule, bad governance, corruption and the diversion of the commonwealth.

He lamented that killings and kidnappings were on the rise across the country due to the failure of the Buhari regime to control the violent attacks on farmers and destruction of their farmlands by marauding herdsmen.

The human rights lawyer stated these on Thursday in Abuja at a Commemorative Anniversary public lecture of the 80th Birthday Anniversary of Prof Omotoye Olorode, which is titled, “Labour and the quest for Nigeria’s National Development: Reflection and Prognosis on the Way Forward.”

He noted that it was obvious that the state was not capable of ending kidnappings or rescuing the abducted citizens, a situation which forces family members of abductees to pay ransoms to the abductors to secure the release of their loved ones.

He said the Buhari-led government had run out of ideas and was incapable of finding lasting solutions to the worsening security challenges facing the country.

Falana said, “The failure of the regime to control the violent attacks on farmers and destruction of farms by a group bearing AK-47 rifles operating as herders and the lopsided appointments by the Buhari administration have fueled the separatist agenda of several groups.

“In spite of the programme of its own party for restructuring or power devolution from the centre to the other federating units, President Buhari has sworn to defend the status quo. A regime that has negotiated and granted amnesty to terrorists and bandits in the recent past has rejected the call for dialogue with all separatist bodies.

“It is our submission that several decades of legacy of misrule and bad governance, corruption and diversion of the commonwealth and anti-people’s policies have led to the ascendancy of insecurity in the country.

“No part of the country is safe as marauders have been abducting people, including undergraduates, secondary school students and even primary school pupils.”

Falana said the country could break up or engage in a full-scale civil war if the worsening insecurity in all states of the federation and the federal capital territory was not checked.

He added, “Having been overwhelmed by the security challenges, the ruling class will not hesitate to sabotage the democratic process or plunge the country into another civil war. No doubt, the central labour unions and individual trade unions have routinely condemned the booming business of kidnapping.

“Since 2009, the armed forces have been waging the counter-insurgency operations in the North-East region. Realizing that the armed forces are ill-equipped and ill-motivated, the immediate past Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Yusufu Buratai (retd.), has predicted that the war on terror will last for another period of 20 years. 

“Since the Nigeria Police Force has been demobilized from maintaining law and order by successive regimes, the over-stretched armed forces have been deployed and mandated to free many communities that have been overrun by nihilist forces in the various states.”

God is angry with Buhari, asked me to withdraw support for him – Father Mbaka

Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Rev. Fr Ejike Mbaka, has alleged that God is not happy with President Muhammadu Buhari because of the insecurity and killings in the country.

Mbaka said it is wrong for Buhari to “maintain grave silence” despite the widespread killings in the country.

The cleric also asked the president to resign or be impeached.

He said; “I know people will say, Mbaka did you not pray for Buhari, did Samuel not anoint Saul? What are you talking about? Am I the creator of Buhari? God created him, Nigerians trusted him because he has done well sometime ago but now how can people just be dying?”

God will ask Nigerians: Nigerians why are you crying? We are crying because our leaders have failed us woefully. If it is in a civilized country, by now, President Buhari will resign. Quote me anywhere and let the whole world hear it. By now, with what is happening, President Buhari should honourably resign.

“We are crying because we don’t have a shepherd. All those that will fight what I’m saying now will eventually suffer the rot. If you can’t do it, either you resign or you be changed. A good coach cannot watch his team defeated when he has players sitting watching on the bench. Either Buhari resigns by himself or he will be impeached.

This statement is too mysterious and supernatural. I know that people will begin to fight it. The chief security officer consulting on lives in the country will be sitting down not making any comment. Gunmen are attacking everybody. Why are you crying Nigerian youths? As I said, overseas has become a dumping ground for our ingenious youths. Young doctors, lawyers, running away from Nigeria? Countries we are better than.

“What is the matter? Nigerians are crying, why? Because there is no security in this country. House of Reps and the Senate should impeach the President if he doesn’t want to resign.

If the members of these two houses do not want to impeach him and they want to begin to fight Fr Mbaka, something worse than what they ever imagined will happen to the members of the Senate and members of the house of Rep. Disaster is coming! Until the government of this country find something useful for our youths, they are going to face disaster, a time is coming when, if you are asked to be a governor, senator, house of a representative member, you will begin to run because I’m trying to tell you that we cannot continue like this.

The leaders have made the youth suffer, it is time for the civilians to make the leaders suffer. Enough of this rubbish, most of the reasons why you come here for prayers are not prayer projects, these are things government should supply. To feed, pay for house rent, even to import products from abroad, taxation has doubled, the international community cannot come to Nigeria to invest anymore. Are we living or dying?

“God is asking what is the matter, I am telling God now, let him change our leaders for us…“God is angry with our leaders, from Buhari to the last. God’s anger is upon you, you have failed God.

“Remember there was a time God asked me to support you people (Buhari regime), now God asked me to withdraw and prophesy against you.

I repeat, is it not shameful that the President of a country will be sick and there is no hospital to treat him, and he will fly out? So if other Nigerians are sick, will they fly away?”

Buhari will soon deal with criminals, sponsors —APC

The ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), has said criminals and their sponsors who are causing insecurity in the country will soon be dealt with by President Muhammadu Buhari.

The Secretary of the APC Caretaker/Extra-Ordinary Convention Planning Committee, John Akpanudeodehe, in a statement on the state of insecurity in the country on Monday in Abuja, said the APC will not play politics with the lives of Nigerians in the face of the current security challenges.

In the statement titled, ‘We must unite against insecurity,’ the APC said Buhari is resolved more than ever before to bring perpetrators of violence to book.

“The issue of insecurity in the country has found expression in terrorist and criminal activities of Boko Haram, bandits, kidnappers, rustlers and recently the highly condemnable attacks on security formations in some states,” the statement reads.

“These are current realities and the APC will not play politics with matters of life and our collective wellbeing as a nation.

As a progressive party in government, we are fully focused on identifying and bringing to book the perpetrators and sponsors of this hydra-headed insecurity monster and consolidating on our visible development strides.

“Only in safety can we enjoy the current infrastructure revolution that has witnessed the rehabilitation, construction and reconstruction of over 13,000 kilometers of critical federal roads, construction of thousands of affordable and acceptable housing and of course, the ongoing national railway projects gainfully connecting cities and towns across the country.

The party equally condemns the wanton attacks on police personnel and formations in Abia, Imo, Ebonyi and Anambra States as well as Rivers State.

“We stand with the Nigeria Police Force and families of the victims in this difficult time as we mourn the deaths of innocent and dedicated security personnel simply carrying out their duty of protecting life and property.

“In Imo State, the attack on the Governor’s residence is an attack on democracy and constituted authority serving the interest of the good people of Imo.”

Buhari, US Secretary of State to meet on security, economy, others on Tuesday

The United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, will meet with President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday.

The US Secretary of State’s spokesman, Ned Price, who disclosed this in a statement on Monday, said the discussion between the two leaders would centred on strengthening of democratic governance, security and promoting economic ties and diversification.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, will be at the meeting where bilateral relationship between the two countries would also be discussed.

The trip will be the Secretary of State’s first virtual trip to Africa since US President, Joe Biden, assumed office on January 20.

The statement read: “Secretary Blinken will begin his virtual travel to Africa meeting with Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) alumni. In a ‘Ten Questions with Tony’ event, YALI alumni will have an opportunity to engage with the Secretary on a range of topics, including the role of youth in the future of Africa, economic development, democracy and good governance, climate change, and health.

Through YALI, the United States works with public, private sector, and civil society partners across the continent to develop initiatives and economic opportunities to support the creativity, innovativeness, and energy of Africa’s youth.

“Secretary Blinken will then travel virtually to Nigeria, where he will underscore our shared goals of strengthening democratic governance, building lasting security, and promoting economic ties and diversification.

People-to-people connections, underpinned by the dynamic Nigerian diaspora in the United States, amplify and strengthen our relationship. During his visit, Secretary Blinken will meet with President Buhari and Foreign Minister (Geoffrey Onyeama) to reiterate the value of our bilateral relationship and discuss issues of shared importance.

“Secretary Blinken will also participate in a health partnership event to underscore our collaboration to combat the pandemic as well as long-term US investments in combating infectious diseases. He will meet with a beneficiary of a PEPFAR program and a Nigerian health care worker.”

Lawan dispels reports of tenure elongation for Buhari

Senate President Ahmed Lawan has refuted allegations that he is in support of a tenure elongation for President Muhammadu Buhari.

Lawan issued this disclaimer on Tuesday, March 30, via a statement by his Special Adviser (Media), Ola Awoniyi, in Abuja.

According to the Senate President, he firmly stands by the constitutional provision for term limit for elected public officers and would not support any move to amend the section.

The statement reads: “The Office of the President of the Senate has noted a tweet by one Cmr Mayor attributing a fabricated statement to the Senate President, Ahmad Lawan.

In the mischievous tweet, the Senate President was quoted as saying he “won’t mind a constitutional amendment to allow unlimited term of office for President if President Buhari wishes to remain in office beyond 2023.”

Our initial reaction was to ignore the ignoble mischief especially since it is not new, having been posted two years ago on 27 March 2019.

“But because the tweet has been trending again on social media, it becomes necessary to issue a formal rebuttal of its purport.

“We therefore say categorically that the Senate President has never made any such statement, before or after 2019.

“The old tweet which was entirely the handiwork of mischief makers is now being circulated again on social media by purveyors of fake news

The 1999 Constitution has a firm position on the tenure of the President that reflects the popular stand of Nigerians”

Buhari leads the “best democratic govt” in Nigeria —Aide

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu on Friday said President Muhammadu Buhari operates the best democratic government in the history of the country.

“People should be free to say whatever because this country is under the best democratic government that we have had since the fourth republic, ” Mr Shehu said in an interview on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily in Abuja.

He said that the Buhari-led administration place premuim on freedom of speech as a fundamental human rights.

Mr Garba stressed that his principal is focused on tackling the security crisis and the unity of the country.

“The President will not lock up people, there is no assassination by state actors under Buhari and so, therefore, people can say whatever they want to say. They will go home and sleep very soundly.”

“This President is focused on securing this country, he is focused on the unity of this country and he will preserve it,” he said

Lai Mohammed bemoans ‘unfair’ assessment of Buhari’s administration

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, has rejected the assessment of the Buhari administration by the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC).

Reacting to the current rating by CISLAC on Wednesday, March 24, Mohammed described it as unfair and unacceptable.

CISLAC, a non-governmental organisation, had on March 23, held a press briefing in Abuja where it allegedly accused the Buhari-led administration of lack of transparency in the recovery of stolen assets.

However, fielding questions from State House correspondents in Abuja on Wednesday, the minister dismissed CISLAC’s accusation, saying the assessment is not truly a reflection of the realities on ground.

He said: “I think that I’m aware of that particular rating which was not quite flattering to Nigeria, but our position, which I’ve declared before is that that rating does not truly reflect the great strides that the administration has made in the area of fighting corruption.

The government has put in place various reforms in fighting corruption, but some of these reforms will take time to yield the desired results because the matrix used by TI is not just about grafts alone.

It includes how transparent or how opaque the services are and you’ll find out that when we scored in the 2018, 2019 transparency reports, we realised that we scored very low in the area of ease of doing business in particular.’’

The minister stated that the Federal Government had embarked on various reforms aimed at tackling cases of corrupt practices in both private and public sectors of the economy to improve the country’s rating by the Transparency International (TI).

“That is why the federal government embarked on reforms, especially at the seaports, because that is one area where we scored very low”.

Buhari to declare National Sports Festival open April 6

President Muhammadu Buhari will declare open the 20th National Sports Festival (NSF) scheduled in Edo State on April 6.

The National Sports Festival begins on April 2.

This means the President will declare the event open four days after the commencement of sporting activities in the state.

The Head of Media and Communications, Local Organising Committee (LOC), Musa Ebomhiana, disclosed this in a statement on Tuesday in Benin City, added that the April 2 commencement date for the event was sacrosanct.

The presidency has graciously agreed to declare the Games open on April 6, after the Easter holiday,” he said.

Ebomhiana, who is also the Chief Press Secretary to the Edo State Deputy Governor, Philip Shaibu, noted that the state had concluded preparations for the games since March.

Buhari’s lookalike spotted driving danfo in Lagos

President Muhammadu Buhari’s lookalike was recently spotted in Lagos and the photos which emerged online have got Nigerians talking.

A driver of a commercial bus commonly called ”Danfo” had people flocking around him on seeing how he shares a striking semblance with Buhari.

A Twitter user simply known as Harrison captioned the mages; ‘Buhari look alike spotted in Lagos.!!’

Social media users were in disbelief over the existence of a man who looks just like their president.

Buhari names Abuja expressway after Niger Republic president, in reciprocal action

President Muhammadu Buhari has named a road in the federal capital territory (FCT) after President Issoufou Mahamadou of Niger Republic.

This is coming hours after President Buhari was awarded the highest national award of Niger Republic, Grand Croix Des Ordre National Du Niger, by his Nigerian counterpart.

At a ceremony in Abuja on Tuesday, Mohammed Bello, FCT minister in Abuja on Tuesday disclosed this.

“Earlier today, the first phase of the on-going Outer Southern Expressway (OSEX) in Abuja was named the ‘Mahamadou Issoufou Expressway’ in honour of the President of the Republic of Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou,” the minister said.

The road was named after the Nigerien President by President @MBuhari as a mark of deep appreciation for the maintenance of brotherly relationship between Nigeria & the Rep. of Niger & in recognition of the Nigerien President’s significant role in the promotion of peace in Africa.”

Reacting to the development, Niger president Mahamadou Issoufou who described Muhammadu Buhari as his brother and friend said he is honored.

“My brother and friend, @MBuhari, did me the honor to call an Abuja expressway ‘Mahamadou Issoufou expressway’,” he tweeted.

“This testifies, beyond our personal relations, to the excellent relations that exist between #Nigeria and #Niger. His caring touches me. I thank him very much.”

‘Warn bandits in local language not English’, Sen Sani tells Buhari

Following a warning speech given by President Muhammadu Buhari after bandits abducted scores of students in Kaduna, former Kaduna Central Senator, Shehu Sani, has faulted the president’s “stern warning” to bandits.

Ripples Nigeria had reported that after the attack on the Federal College of Forestry Mechanization, Afaka, Kaduna, by bandits, Buhari had warned that his administration would not allow the destruction of the country’s school systems.

Reacting to the warning speech via a tweet on his official Twitter handle on Monday, Sani adviced that Buhari should stop issuing warning to bandits in English language.

He tweeted: “All warnings issued to the bandits should be made in the local language they can understand. Warning them in English is so far futile.”

Bandits have so far attacked states like Niger, Zamfara, Katsina and Kaduna State being the latest.

SERAP sues Buhari over move to borrow N895bn from dormant accounts of Nigerians

Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has filed a lawsuit asking the Federal High Court in Abuja “to restrain and stop President Muhammadu Buhari and the Federal Government from borrowing an estimated N895bn of Nigerians’ money in the form of their unclaimed dividends and balances in dormant accounts, under the guise of the patently unlawful, unconstitutional, and discriminatory legislation known as ‘the Finance Act, 2020.’”

The suit followed recent move by the Federal Government to take over and borrow unclaimed dividends and dormant account balances owned by Nigerians in any bank in the country. But the same legislation explicitly excludes dormant official bank accounts by all branches of government and their agencies.

In the suit number FHC/ABJ/CS/31/2021 filed last Friday, SERAP is seeking: “an order of perpetual injunction restraining and stopping President Buhari from demanding, taking over, borrowing, and collecting Nigerians’ money in the form of their unclaimed dividends and funds in dormant accounts or transferring and moving the money into a trust fund known as ‘Unclaimed Funds Trust Fund’”.

In the suit, SERAP is arguing that “the Federal Government should not be allowed to borrow Nigerians’ money. Borrowing unclaimed dividends and funds in dormant accounts owned by ordinary Nigerians would negatively affect their right to an adequate standard of living, and access to clean water, quality healthcare and education.”

According to SERAP: “Despite Nigeria’s dwindling oil revenue, the growing level of public debt, and widespread poverty, public officers including the President, Vice President, governors and their deputies, and members of the National Assembly have refused to cut their emoluments, allowances and security votes. At the same time, millions of Nigerians continue to bear the brunt of mismanagement and corruption.”

Joined in the suit as Defendants are: Mr Abubakar Malami SAN, Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice; the Senate President, Ahmad Lawan; the Speaker of House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila; and the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Ms Zainab Ahmed.

SERAP is also arguing that “For there to be a borrower, there must be a lender. The intention to enter into such borrower-lender relationship must be known to both parties. Any other arrangement that allows a borrower to access funds from a lender without the knowledge and express consent of the lender will amount to stealing.”

According to SERAP: “The Federal Government has repeatedly failed to ensure transparency and accountability in the spending of public wealth and resources such as recovered stolen public funds, and the loans so far obtained, estimated to be $31.98bn, and failed to address the systemic and widespread corruption in ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs).”

The suit filed on behalf of SERAP by its lawyers Kolawole Oluwadare and Ms Adelanke Aremo, read in part: “By the combined reading of section 44(1) of the Nigerian Constitution 1999 (as amended) and Article 14 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the Federal Government has absolutely no right to borrow Nigerians’ money in the form of their unclaimed dividends and funds in dormant accounts without their knowledge and express consent.

“The move to borrow Nigerians’ money amounts to unlawful expropriation, as it is neither proportionate nor necessary, especially given the unwillingness or inability of the government to stop systemic and widespread corruption in MDAs, cut waste and stop all leakages in public expenditures. The borrowing is also not in the public interest.

Respect for the right to property is important to improve the enjoyment of other basic human rights and to lift Nigerians out of poverty. There is a limit on the ability of any government to interfere with private property without legal justification. The right to property is a sacred and fundamental right.

“Borrowing unclaimed dividends and funds in dormant accounts without due process of law and the knowledge and explicit consent of the owners is arbitrary, and as such, legally and morally unjustifiable.

To create a valid trust relationship, there must be explicit agreement between the setlor and the trustee, for the benefits of the trust beneficiary. There must also be sufficient evidence of the setlor’s intention to create a trust. The relationship cannot be arbitrarily created. It can also not be forced or assumed unilaterally, which is exactly what the Federal Government is pushing to do in this case.

“According to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS), four in ten Nigerians or over 82.9 million Nigerians live in poverty.

Where agencies of government are allowed to operate at large and at their whims and caprices in the guise of performing their statutory duties, the end result will be anarchy, licentiousness, authoritarianism and brigandage leading to the loss of the much cherished and constitutionally guaranteed freedom and liberty.

Buhari, Osinbajo receive Covid-19 vaccination

President Muhammadu Buhari and his vice, Yemi Osinbajo on Saturday both received the Covid-19 Vaccination at the State House, Abuja.

Both leaders received the AstraZeneca vaccine a day after the Federal Government launched the vaccination exercise in the country.

The COVID-19 vaccine was administered on the President by his chief personal physician in the presence of the Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, and some members of the Federal Executive Council (FEC).

Shortly after President Buhari took the jab, Professor Osinbajo also received the vaccine which was also administered to him by his chief personal physician.

Both leaders were later presented with electronic cards containing the details of their vaccinations by the Executive Director of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), Dr Faisal Shuaib.

Others who witnessed the vaccination of the President and his vice were members of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) and the Director-General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu.

Buhari decorates new service chiefs, gives them ultimatum to tackle insecurity

President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Abuja charged the newly appointed service chiefs to speed up their actions in freeing the country from the current state of insecurity.

Speaking at a ceremony to decorate the new service chiefs with their ranks at the State House Abuja, the President said:

“During our four-hour security meeting, on Tuesday, I had taken the responsibility as Commander-in-Chief for you to go out into the field and secure the country.

“You have got a few weeks to do that because by the rainy season, we expect people to develop confidence and go back to the land, so that we don’t get into trouble by being away from the field and therefore unable to produce enough food for the nation.”

He told the service chiefs to see their appointment, clearance and decoration as a vote of confidence on them.

“For those (of you) that have been confirmed by this ceremony, the decoration, in front of your spouses, is a further confidence loudly expressed on you on behalf of the nation, to respond to the insecurity the country is in,  and the nation looks up to you  for rapid relief.”

He assured them of his firm support as they deliver on their responsibilities.

“I have accepted responsibility for your actions in the field; it’s up to you to identify your competent officers irrespective of seniority and paper qualification and deploy them to make sure that we secure this country.

“We all look forward to you to perform and I as the Commander-in- Chief, I am backing you hundred per cent, and I expect you to effectively deploy your officers and men to secure the country,” the President said.

Responding on behalf of the other service chiefs, the Chief of Defence Staff, General Lucky Irabor assured the President that they will not fail in their responsibilities as the mandate is clear.

“Nigeria will have peace again. Based on the mandate, we will address all issues, working with all other security organisations,” he said.

Others decorated are Lieutenant General Ibrahim Attahiru as Chief of Army Staff, Vice Admiral Awwal Gambo as Chief of Naval Staff and Air Marshal Isiaka Amao as Chief of Air Staff.

The new service chiefs were recently confirmed by both chambers of the National Assembly.

Buhari’s aide, Adesina, debunks rumours he is suffering from stroke

Femi Adesina, the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to President Muhammadu Buhari, has debunked rumours that have been making the rounds that he is suffering from stroke.

Adesina, who wrote in his regular column on Facebook, ‘From the Inside’ on Friday, with the title, ‘My $1.9 Billion In Minnesota Bank’, lamented the fact that “people love evil reports about those serving in government, particularly about those serving in this government.”

“Have we got so bad as a people, that we can’t have genuine, patriotic service again? Quite baffling,” he wrote.

This leads me to a lie peddled about me from the pit of hell in the past fortnight. I had traveled to Umuahia, in Abia State, to deliver a paper at the Social Media Converge organized by the state government.

At the Abuja airport, I had met former Aviation Minister, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, and we greeted pleasantly, as we always do. As we spoke, the former Minister’s aide took our photograph with his phone, which was later posted online.

“The camera angle was a bit awkward. My cloth seemed too baggy than it was, and my hand appeared twisted in the seemingly oversized sleeves.

“And what next? Some people subjected my arm and legs to photoshop, twisting them further, making me appear as a stroke patient. Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Those who know me would testify that I like a good laugh. I laughed till my ribs ached, and I put my two feet up in the air. They were having a baleful ball, while I was having the time of my life.

“Life and health belong to God. And He has not denied me of that grace. Why then do the heathens rage, and the people imagine vain things? Let them continue to wail, and we will continue to laugh, and say; ‘back to sender.’

Buhari names journalist, Ogbonnaya Orji, as new NEITI boss

Veteran journalist and former director with the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Dr Orji Ogbonnaya Orji, has been appointed the new Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), by President Muhammadu Buhari.

The appointment which was announced in a statement on Thursday by the Director of Information in the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (OSGF), Willie Basset, will take effect from Friday, February 19.

The statement also indicated that Orji’s appointment is for a five-year term, adding that it was done in accordance with provisions of the NEITI Act.

Orji, who, until his new appointment was the Director of Communications and Advocacy at NEITI, takes over from the immediate past Executive Secretary of the organisation, Waziri Adio, whose term expired early this week.

The statement reads:

President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the appointment of Dr. Orji Ogbonnaya Orji as the Executive Secretary, Nigerian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) for a single term of five (5) years in accordance with the provision of Section 12 (2) (a) and 6 (3) of the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (Establishment) Act, 2007.

“The appointment takes effect from 19th February, 2021. Until the appointment, Dr. Orji Ogbonnaya Orji was the Agency’s Director of Communications & Advocacy.

“He began his career at the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and also worked with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) where Dr. Orji managed several donor-funded projects.

He holds MSc degree and PhD in Political Economy and International Development from the University of Abuja.

“NEITI was established in 2004 as the key Anti-Corruption Agency at the Presidency responsible for enthroning transparency, accountability and governance of the country’s oil, gas and mining industries.

“Mr. President enjoins the new appointee to serve the nation with all sense of responsibility, honesty, diligence and promote good governance in the discharge of his duties.”

Former INEC Chairman, Attahiru Jega Breaks Silence, He talks About Buhari.

A few hours ago, a former INEC chairman, Attahiru Jega has made a comment about what patriotism means and his comment caused a stir on social media. 

It may interest you to know that Professor Attahiru Muhammadu Jega was born on January 11, 1957. He is a Nigerian academic and former Vice-Chancellor of Bayero University, Kano. However, on June 8, 2010, he was nominated by then President Goodluck Jonathan as the new Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). 

As a matter of fact, his nomination was subject to Senate confirmation, as a replacement for Professor Maurice Iwu, who left the post on April 28, 2010.

Also, official report has it thatJega is the only INEC chairman to oversee two Nigerian General Elections (2011 and 2015). He retired on June 30, 2015, handing over his position to Amina Zakari according to a directive by President Muhammadu Buhari.

Meanwhile, in his earlier tweet today, he made efforts to explained what it means to be patriot and what patriotism is. He pointed out that it’s not necessarily mean to stand by the president, Muhammadu Buhari GCFR and a foremost APC chieftains. 

He was quoted saying, “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President.”

Govt’s balance sheet open for scrutiny, we have nothing to hide – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari said on Saturday said his administration’s balance sheet is open for scrutiny by the National Assembly and Nigerians.

The president, according to a statement issued by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, stated this during a chat with journalists after he revalidated his membership of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Katsina, Daura.

Buhari was accompanied by the registration centre by the Chairman of APC Caretaker Committee, Mai Buni; members of the committee; Senate President, Ahmad Lawan; former Senate President, Ken Nnamani, state governors, and other party members.

He said his administration has nothing to hide on the management of the country’s finances.

President Buhari assured Nigerians of full and transparent implementation of the 2021 budget.

He also commended the National Assembly for the effective and detailed attention accorded the budget before its passage.

The president stressed that the budget aptly captured some of the visions of the administration, saying all efforts will be deployed by the government to ensure its effective implementation.

Buhari said: “We have directed all the Ministries, Departments and Agencies to follow what is in the budget so that we can get the National Assembly to easily support the next budget. We can tell them what we have received, and how it was spent.

“We are always ready to make the balance sheet available for all Nigerians and the National Assembly. We have nothing to hide.’’

Buhari gets new ADC

President Mohammadu Buhari has approved the appointment of Lt. Col. Yusuf Dodo as his Aid-de-camp (ADC).

The new ADC replaces Lt. Col. Mohammed Abubakar, who is expected to proceed on a refresher course in Chile next month.

Abubakar has been President Buhari’s ADC since 2015.

Until his appointment, Dodo was the Academy Adjutant at the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna.

Although the appointment of the president’s new ADC has not been made public by the presidency, sources in the State House confirmed the development to journalists on Saturday.

Presidency alleges plot to tarnish Buhari’s image using online media

The Presidency on Friday said that there was a compelling reason to alert the nation of another alleged orchestrated smear campaign against President Muhammadu Buhari.

Femi Adesina, the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, claimed the plot was to use some online newspapers and blogs to carry out the smear campaign.

“The campaign, scheduled to be launched anytime soon through editorials and purported special investigative stories, is designed to further exacerbate tension in the land, by portraying the President as pandering to ethnic and other primordial tendencies, contrary to his pledge to belong to all Nigerians.

“Impeccable security findings indicate that those behind the plot have procured online blogs and newspapers, which are to launch coordinated publications, alleging subjugation and suppression of a particular religion and ethnic groups.

“A specific medium has so far contacted some opinion leaders, especially those very critical of President Buhari.

“Part of the planned publication is to make unwary readers believe that the President has continually used the powers of his office to shield and protect an ethnic group against crimes of murder, kidnappings, rape and banditry in the southern, middle belt and some northern states.

“The publication will also refer Nigerians to a 58-page document, which chronicles purported atrocities of the ethnic group in the South since 2017, all of which it claims the Presidency has turned blind eyes to.

“Again, the hatchet job will allege that the President has continued to place members of his ethnic nationality in sensitive positions, so as to confer undue advantage on them. This allegation is by no means supported with reasonable facts and figures.

“Just on Thursday, President Buhari, while meeting with the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), led by Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, restated his even-handedness on the issues of ethnicity and religion,” Adesina said.

He quoted Buhari to have told Sultan and his group that “the Federal Government under my leadership does not, and will not, allow religious prejudice or partisanship to influence any of its decisions and policies. It is my solemn decision to be fair and just to all segments of society.”

Adesina added, “Those who are bent on stoking ethnic and religious unrest in the country remain deaf to reason, and impervious to reality. They are hell-bent on distorting reality, and Nigerians are urged to be wary of them. It is all about quest for power, and filthy lucre.

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