Sit-at-home killing businesses in South-East -Abaribe

The Senate Minority Leader, Enyinnaya Abaribe, said on Saturday the continuous observance of sit-at-home order in the South-East has crippled businesses in the region.

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ordered the sit-at-home in the South-East last year in a bid to force the Federal Government to release its detained leader, Nnamdi Kanu, who is standing trial for alleged treasonable felony and terrorism charges at the Federal High Court, Abuja.

Abariba, who addressed participants at the investiture ceremony of the 16th President of Enugu Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ECCIMA), Jasper Nduagwuike, in Enugu, decried the insecurity in the region and called for an end to the sit-at-home directive.

He said: “What is happening in the South-East is a tragedy. Every Monday people sit at home. When you go to IPOB they said they are not the one enforcing it. Nobody has an idea to solve it.

“When I and Ekweremadu personally visited Nnamdi Kanu at the Department of State Service (DSS) detention, he said never give an order for anybody to sit at home. It’s time we stop all this mess in the South- East and build our economy.

“Sit at home is killing the economy of the South-East as most businessmen are moving out of the region. Insecurity in the South- East is the biggest problem.

“We want to turn the South-East into a Catalonia of Spain. We want to turn it into a hub of the world. We want to turn the South-East into a Bavaria of Germany. In 2023, the South-East needs a leadership that will combat insecurity and restore the economy.”

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