Right-wing libertarian Javier Milei wins Argentina presidential poll

An economist and television personality, Javier Milei, has won Argentina presidential election.

An outlier and a right libertarian, Mr Milei, defeated Sergio Massa, Argentina’s center-left economy minister, in the presidential polls on Sunday.

With 95 per cent of ballots counted, 53-year-old Mr Milei won 56 per cent of the vote, while Mr Massa, 51, won 44 per cent of the vote.

Mr Milei, a political rookie, is coming on board as Argentina is rocked with an economic crisis.

In his victory speech, he said, “Today begins the reconstruction of Argentina. Today begins the end of Argentina’s decline. The model of decadence has come to an end. There is no way back. Argentina will return to its place in the world that it should never have lost. We are going to work shoulder-to-shoulder with all nations of the free world, to help build a better world.’’

Conceding defeat, Mr. Massa said “Obviously the results are not what we expected. I have contacted Javier Milei to congratulate him. From tomorrow the responsibility of providing certainty belongs to Milei.”

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