Residents lament Lagos governments neglect of Jakande Estate Isolo

Residents of Jakande Estate, Oke-Afa, Isolo in Lagos, on Monday bemoaned the state government’s neglect of infrastructure within the community.

Adeyemi Yusuf, President, Estate Youth Parliament (EYP), said that residents of the estate had for over three years been demanding for two things from the government.

“The government has failed to yield to our demands and we are very sad that all these requests could linger for so long despite seeing and hearing of their actions over same issues in other areas of Lagos.

“We have written a combined letter of nothing less than 250 to the Governor’s Office, Ministry of Education, Lagos SUBEB and Lagos State Electricity Board (LSEB).

“On the renovation of the only public primary school in our Estate and the lighting of the community of which the LSEB has been around since October 2019 for survey, unfortunately, up till today, nothing has been done to address these demands.

“And after several follow ups to the LSEB office, we have been told many times that it is the governor’s assent that is delaying the lighting project.

“As it was always a part of their yearly budget and it had been promised to be included in this year’s 2023 budget for the governor’s approval,” he said.

The EYP President said that lighting was very necessary in the community to curb crime because there are lots of issues with insecurity.

“People get robbed on daily basis due to the situation of the environment.

“The Low Cost Housing Estate Primary School too has been visited for the requested renovation.

“But unfortunately again, the workers stopped work after just two weeks without any notice of why they stopped.

“As at now, the school remains in a sorry state as the roofings, toilets, classes among infrastructural defects are being experienced in the school, making the place non conducive for pupils and teachers.”

Mr Yusuf added that;

“The roads have never been touched. The ones there are still the ones the former governor, Alhaji Lateef Jakande, did in the 80s.

“The Council Chairman did a bit on 1st Junction to NEPA junction but there are more to be done by the government as over five roads are in very bad state.

“This incumbent government is not doing anything for us here at all despite making demands and the governor will want us to vote for him.

“We, however, appeal to him, if he will listen, to please approve the lighting of our Estate by the agency in charge as they said they have all the requirements to do so.

“But his consent is all they need to begin the project. Likewise, he should please see to the school and road matter,” he pleaded.

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