Remember The Akwa-Ibom Lady Who Killed Her Mom, See What Has Becomes Of Her

We live in terrible times, and truly everyday we see new things happening that makes us realize that we really do live in a wicked world. Some humans on this Earth, are truly evil, and they go about doing evil, forgetting that one day, they will pay the price. Even the Bible says that whatever a man sow, that shall he also reap.

Few weeks ago, a lady from Akwa Ibom, went viral, for killing her mother and butchering her to pieces. This incident happened in Ikot-Ekpene, Akwa-Ibom. And as at that time of her arrest, she was made to walk round carrying the butchered body of her mom on her head.

The lady was arrested, and remanded in prison. During her arrest, some people were claiming that she is not mentally sound. But while she was in prison, medical checkup was conducted on her, and it was found that the said lady is mentally sound. After she was certified mentally Ok, she was taken to court. And on 13th February 2021, she was sentenced to death.

That someonene would have the mind to kill his or her own mother, is unbelievable.

But this lady did so, and she has gotten what she deserves in return. JUSTICE has been served.

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