Palliative: Kwara government says 26,852 students to get N10,000 each

The Kwara government says it has started disbursing on Monday N10,000 to each of the 26,852 indigenous students in 140 tertiary schools across the country.

Chairman of the Government Committee on Students’ Palliative Fund, Shehu Adaramaja, said on Tuesday in Ilorin that the disbursement was to augment the students’ expenses after fuel subsidy removal.

He said the exercise followed a thorough screening process that lasted several weeks.

“Each beneficiary received a palliative fund of N10,000 directly into his or her account. Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq says the palliative is a token of support and another one in the multi-sectoral palliatives that his administration has rolled out since June,” said Mr Adaramaja.

The official added, “The disbursement of the palliative fund is a testament to the government’s commitment to the welfare and well-being of its students.”

Mr Adaramaja, chair of the State Universal Basic Education Board, said 30,775 students registered online before the screening processes later produced 26,852 beneficiaries.

“In the data verification and analyses carried out by the technical committee, those with incomplete registrations, multiple registrations, and forged citizenship certificates, among others, were weeded out,” he explained.

“That pegged the number of beneficiaries at 26,852.”

By extending this financial assistance, the governor is showing empathy to the students and parents who need all the support they can get now, said Mr Adaramaja.

He also mentioned that efforts were underway to ensure that the funds were received by students from diverse academic disciplines and backgrounds, helping to cater to the needs of a wide range of deserving students.

Mr Adaramaja stated that Kwara remained resolute in its commitment to the welfare of the people, including students.

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