Ooni of Ife’s new Queen reveals the demeaning statement a man made about her that pushed her to ask God for a blessing that will shock people

Queen Tobi Phillips, one of the new wives of the Ooni of Ife, has revealed that she begged God months ago to shut the mouths of her detractors by giving her a gift that will shock them, and he answered her.

She explained that in July or August this year, a man told her that he doesn’t see her kind of woman getting married because she is too “vavavoom”.

She said that was the “straw that broke the camel’s back” so she prayed to God to give her a gift that will shock those who have said mean things to her.

She added that she promised God that she will dance every Sunday in thanksgiving if he answers her prayers.

In September, Tobi Phillips married the Ooni of Ife. She shared her story on Instagram this morning as some sort of motivation, while advising people to “ask and ye shall recieve”.

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