Nigerian govt urges media to support security agents in fight against terrorism, banditry

The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, on Tuesday, charged the Nigerian media to do more to boost the morale of the security forces in their fight against insurgency and banditry in different parts of the country.

Mohammed, who made the call during an expanded security consultative meeting in Katsina State, asked the media not to relent in their coverage of security agencies’ efforts at tackling crimes in Nigeria.

The meeting was attended by the Katsina State Governor, Aminu Masari; the Emir of Katsina, Dr. Abdulmumini Usman; the Emir of Daura, Faruq Umar; heads of security agencies in the state and civil society organizations, among others.

The minister also warned the media against concentrating on the failure of the security operatives or the activities of the terrorists as that would dampen the morale of the security agents.

He implored security agencies to inform journalists on successes being achieved in the theatre of operation as that would give the media first-hand information on the activities for a balanced reportage.

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