Nigeria urges newly-inducted doctors to shun strike in resolving grievances

The Federal Government has advised newly-inducted medical doctors not to partake in strike in the country’s health sector.

The Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, according to a statement issued by the Deputy Director of Press and Public Relations in the ministry, Charles Akpan, made the call during the induction of six graduates of the University of Abuja into the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) held on Sunday.

The minister’s son, Dr. Andrew Ngige, was among the new inductees.

Ngige urged the medical graduates to be of good behaviour and uphold the highest ethical standards in the discharge of their duties.

He said: “I am a medical doctor. One of you being inducted here is my second son. My first son is also a medical doctor. My daughter is also a medical doctor. By virtue of ethics, our oath as doctors is to save lives. That is our primary duty.

“If doctors go on strike, people die. That is the truth. Human life is irreplaceable. How do you bring back people who have died as a result of doctors not being at their duty posts?

“It is unethical for doctors to embark on strike. I have said it so many times in the past and I will continue to say it. Doctors should not go on strike. Therefore, you should desist from going on strike in the interest of humanity and our noble profession.”

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