NGO renovates Ogun school

A Non-profit organisation, Margaret Modinat Foundation, on Monday, handed over to Ogun State government, a newly reconstructed block of three classrooms with furniture and four toilets at Comprehensive High School, Ijebu Ife in Ijebu East Local Government Area of the state.

The donor and Founder of the NGO, Princess Olanrewaju Osibote, said her passion for humanity and desire to further create a conducive learning atmosphere for the students, informed her decision to embark on the project about a month ago, amounting to N11m.

Osibote said she had always been an advocate of selfless service. This, she added, was one of those traits she inherited from her late mother who she said was always willing to share the little she had with others without expecting anything in return.

She explained that “I have always been immersed in giving back to the people and society; its one passion and sense of duty that always makes me fulfilled and be at peace with myself.

“We have done a lot of this in Lagos State, helping the widows and all that but I said let me come back home and see what could be done.”

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