Meet The Man Who walked From South Africa To Egypt

We all know how stressful it is to walk for hours not to talk of weeks or months, but there is a man who walked from South Africa to Egypt. The name of this man is Mario Rigby.

Mario is a young man who resides in Canada, he had a good Job and a stable life but he is a man who love Adventure, so one day he quit his job and travelled to South Africa and from South Africa he trekked to Egypt. According to reports, before Mario embarked on the journey he did some fun things such as riding bicycle across Canada for about four months and lots more.

After Mario Quits his Job in 2015, he travelled to Cape Town in South Africa and in the month of November, year 2015, he started his journey to Egypt.

Mario trekked from South Africa to Egypt and he passed through 8 Countries, he carried some clothes, tent, phone, charger and some few things including money. While he was on the journey he met different people from different Countries, and he visited some Countries to learn about their Cultures.

Mario passed through several Countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Sudan, Malawi, Mozambique and lots more before he stopped at Cairo in Egypt where he ended his journey.

Mario spent over two years trekking from South Africa to Egypt before he got to his destination. A lot of people might say that he wasted his time, but he did it for adventure and he is happy with it.

Today Mario is known all over the World because of his journey.

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