Man remanded in Ekiti correctional centre over rape of teenage girl

A magistrate’s court in Ado-Ekiti has remanded a 35-year-old man, Gboyega Ogunlola, at the correctional centre in the Ekiti capital on Wednesday over rape charges.

The police prosecutor, Inspector Akinwale Oriyomi, told the court that Mr Ogunlola defiled a 14-year-old girl at Iworoko-Ekiti on December 18.

He said the victim was running an errand for her mother when Mr Ogunlola forced her into his house and had sexual intercourse with her.

Mr Oriyomi added that the victim consequently reported the abuse to her mother.

The prosecutor said the offence contravened the Child Rights Law of Ekiti State (2012) and urged the court to remand Mr Ogunlola at the correctional centre pending legal advice from the Director of Public Prosecution.

The court did not take the defendant’s plea.

Presiding Chief Magistrate Bankole Oluwasanmi ordered Mr Ogunlola’s remand.

He adjourned the case until January 26, 2024, for mention.

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