Mali gives ECOWAS representative 72 hours to leave country

The Malian government has declared the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Special Representative, Hamidou Boly, a “persona non grata” and gave him 72 hours to leave the country.

A statement said on Monday the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation invited Boly and informed him about the government’s decision to declare him a persona non grata over actions that were considered “incompatible with his status.”

The statement read: “This decision comes after several warnings addressed to the person concerned through his hierarchy.

“The Malian government reaffirmed its readiness to maintain dialogue with ECOWAS and to work together for the success of the transition.

The Malian authorities took the decision after a United Nations Security Council mission visited the landlocked West African nation on October 23 and October 24 to assess the political situation following the August 2020 coup.

ECOWAS had urged the Malian government to respect the 18 months deadline for the transition programme.

The Ghanaian President, Nana Akuffo-Addo, visited Bamako on October 17 to discuss with the Malian authorities the “evolution” of the transition programme.

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