Lesotho imposes curfew after killing of journalist

Lesotho has imposed a 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. curfew to curb rising gun violence after investigative journalist Ralikonelo Joki, known as Leqhashasha, was gruesomely murdered.

Mr Joki ran a current affairs programme on radio which exposed corrupt dealings in government and the participation of state officials in organised crime.

In 2021, his story exposed no less than five notable politicians who were illegally trading alcohol.

He was killed on Sunday night while returning from his radio show with gunshots at close range to his head and body.

The curfew was enacted on Tuesday and will only exempt essential workers such as hospitals, media workers and security sectors.

Media organisations and press freedom groups, including the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), have condemned Mr Joki’s killing and urged the country’s government for a swift investigation.

CPJ’s Africa program coordinator, Angela Quintal, in her statement that the country must thoroughly investigate Mr Joki’s death and killers must be brought to justice to deter those who believe they could kill journalists without consequences.

“Authorities in Lesotho must thoroughly investigate the killing of Ts’enolo FM host Ralikonelo ‘Leqhashasha’ Joki and ensure those responsible are brought to justice,” stated Ms Quintal.

She added,

“An attempted murder trial after a similar attack on Lesotho Times editor Lloyd Mutungamiri in 2016 has dragged on for years. Authorities must send a clear signal to those who believe they can attack or kill journalists without consequence, that in Joki’s case at least, there will be swift accountability.”

IFJ general secretary Anthony Bellange said it “is a matter of public interest to ensure the safety of those who fulfil their obligations towards the public’s right to know.”

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