Lagos truck committee chairman pledges solution to members’ plight

The Chairman of the newly formed Lagos State Truck and Cargo Operators Committee, Lukman Zangalo, has promised to end the plight of truckers and cargo operators in the state.

Mr Zangalo said this in a statement on Sunday in Lagos.

He also pledged to embrace unity and collaboration as a binding force for the unification of truckers in Lagos State.

Mr Zangalo articulated a fervent commitment to addressing the longstanding challenges faced by truckers and cargo operators in Lagos State.

He noted that the newly formed committee marked the beginning of a new chapter for LASTOC and stands as a testament to the collective commitment to enhancing the conditions and efficiency of truckers and cargo operators in Lagos State.

“I thank the Lagos State government for bringing up this committee to solve the problem of truckers in the state. I will try my best to end the suffering of truckers and cargo operators in Lagos State with the support of our elders, truckers, and members of the committee,” he said.

Also, Tiamiyu Oluwatosin, the Assistant Director of the Ministry of Transportation in Lagos State, representing Commissioner Dr Frederick Oladeinde, shed light on the persistent crises within the industry.

He expressed government’s recognition of the need for resolution and emphasised that the newly formed committee was a strategic move to seamlessly manage trucking activities in collaboration with the Lagos State government.

“We have been having a lingering crisis in this industry, and we felt that it was time to resolve all this, and that is why the committee was set up to run the activities of trucks seamlessly with the Lagos State Government,” he said.

Also, patron of the committee, Remi Ogungbemi, expressed gratitude for the unprecedented initiative, labelling it a ‘milestone and spectacular occasion.’

Mr Ogungbemi underscored the significance of their appointment, urging them to view it as a call to service and a responsibility to ensure peace, orderliness, and sanity in the business environment.

He congratulated the committee members and implored them to tighten their belts for the rigorous duties ahead.

In a plea to the Lagos State government, Mr Ogungbemi highlighted the issue of street urchins waylaying trucks along the roads, leading to experienced truckers leaving the job.

He emphasised that resolving the problem was crucial to encouraging the return of seasoned professionals to the industry.

“This has led to so many people leaving the job,” Mr Ogungbemi said.

The patron called for unity among truckers, urging them to support the committee’s efforts by obeying traffic rules and regulations and creating a safer and more pleasant working environment.

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