Lady collapses trying to break Guinness World Record for longest massage

Nigerian masseuse Joyce Ijeoma has fallen through attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the longest massage hours. Ms Ijeoma had done over 50 hours before she collapsed.

A viral video revealed when Ms Ijeoma fell while live-streaming her efforts.The masseuse attempted to overthrow current longest-massage world record holder Alastair Galpin in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, who broke the record with 25 hours and 4 minutes.

Last June, Guinness World Records confirmed that Hilda Effiong Bassey, better known as Hilda Baci, broke the record for the longest cooking marathon (individual), with a time of 93 hours 11 minutes.

The 26-year-old Nigerian chef began on May 11 and continued until 15, cooking over 100 pots of food during her four-day kitchen stint.

Hilda attempted to set a record of 100 hours.

However, almost seven hours were deducted from her final total because she mistakenly took extra minutes for one of her rest breaks early on in the attempt.

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