JUST IN: Court adjourns case of IPOB leader, Kanu, to Wednesday

The alleged treason charge of leader of the leader of the outlawed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Nnamdi Kanu has been adjourned to Wednesday.

This was declared by the Presiding Judge, Binta Nyako at the Federal High Court in Abuja after an appeal by the defence team led by Mike Ozekhome.

The court session commenced at around 9:56 am on Tuesday with the prosecution lawyer appealing to the Judge to read out the amended 15-count charge against Kanu.

However, the defence team raised an opposition on the grounds that they were ignorant of the details of the charges and it would be an injustice to continue the trial due to these circumstances.

As a result, Justice Nyako mandated an adjournment with the case to resume tomorrow.

Before the adjournment, Ozekhome, in an interview granted within the court, accused the Federal Government of under-handedness regarding the timing of the new charges.

He further stated that members of the legal team and Kanu are yet to view the amended charges in order to prepare their defence.

Ozekhome said, “The case initially came up Dec 2, 2021, and there was enough time for the FG to have included the amended charges in order for the defendant, Nnamdi Kanu and his lawyers to understand these charges and work on their case.

“But the charges were, out of the blues, levelled against Kanu yesterday (Monday) and we, the lawyers, were only able to see and read through presently as the court is in session.

“As I talk to you presently, Kanu is yet to be aware of the amended charges because the DSS prevents visitors from the detention centre and in my opinion, the FG is stalling the case due to these events.

“The charges ought to have been served days before in order for the Kanu’s team to prepare; this is an injustice of the highest order.”

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