Jubilation: Missing 4-Years-Old Baby Found After 10years. See Details As Investigation Continues

Chima Umesi was 4 years old when he was reported missing by his father in Akabuka community of Ogba/Egbeme/Ndoni Local Government Area, Rivers State in 2011. The birth of Chima Umesi still lives as a mystery as his mother was a mad woman when she gave birth to him. Although, Chima’s mother already had 2 children (male & female) before she had the mental illness. Chima’s father who loved his wife, contained her in his house as she goes out to the street, and returns home.

However, when Chima got missing, his father searched for him, together with neighbours. A year later, Chima’s mother died. His father also died few years after the death of his wife, leaving his 2 children to elder brother.

Just about 5pm yesterday, a relative to Chima’s family brought him home, saying “I saw him in a street in Omoku, and I was moved to bring him home for questioning. After series of questions, I found out he is my relation”.

Chima’s uncle confirmed him to be his late brother’s son as Chima said the man he was staying with constantly mentions the name “Egba” while sleeping. “Egba” is his father’s name.

Chima who is now 14years old revealed the identity of the woman he was staying with. From the little investigation done, a woman who lives close to his house stole and sold Chima out. The said woman have been accused of child trafficking on several occasions, including that of her grand child.

Chima’s uncle who chose to handle the case in the traditional way said the 14-year-old boy looks sick, and not mentally sound, thereby suggesting money ritual case. The family was happy to have him back as investigation is ongoing.

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