JAMB ICT centre manager arrested for stealing 83 computers

The site manager of Kebna ICT JAMB Centres in Zuru area of Kebbi State, Abubakar Ismail, has been arrested by the police for stealing 83 HP laptops belonging to the centres.

Commissioner of Police, Ahmed Magaji Kontagora, told newsmen on Tuesday, December 13, that the site manager stole the laptops and sold them at N40,000 each to one Chukwudi Otutu of Otutu Computer Centre in Sokoto.

The theft was reported to the police after the manager of the centre, Dr Michael Ezra Dikki, uncovered it.

Kontagora said;

“On receipt of the complaint, a team of policemen swung into action and succeeded in arresting the suspect and recovered 76 pieces of the stolen laptops.”

The police has commenced investigation into the incident and the suspect would soon be charged.

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