I Got Pregnant At The Age Of 17 And People Mocked Me But Today They Wish They Never Did – Amina

Recently, a lady has got the whole of Nigerian twitter community confused and talking about her after she took to her twitter page to share a picture of her and her grown up daughter. Apparently, in the picture, it will take you a long time to differentiate and figure out who the mother and daughter is as they both look young in the photo she shared.

However, I was more interested in finding out how she could be so young that one could find it hard to know she’s the mother rather than a sister and here is what I’ve found out about the young Nigerian mother who got the attention of everyone on twitter.

Meet Amina, the young mom who looks super young that people hardly know the difference from she and her daughter in pictures. Her story is one that is interesting and will inspire one.

Amina is a young mother who lived most of her life in London, England and looking into her life, she was raised by a Nigerian mother. While telling her life story on her YouTube channel, Amina revealed how she got pregnant at the age of 17 , how people mocked her and later wish they never did because of how things later turned out in her life.

Telling her story, she revealed it all started when she was 16 years old and starting college, there was a specific group of bad influence people she hanged out with which includes her cousin. Against her mother’s rules, she continued going out and hanging out with them even after her mother warned her to stop.

Amina continued hanging out with them and one day at her cousin’s house, she saw a guy who later turned out to be her baby daddy. She was the first to notice him because he was handsome and she started asking her cousin who he was and later on they exchanged contact and that was how everything started.

They ended in having a relationship real quick and she was so much in love with him that she lost her virginity for him at him age of 16. They continued sleeping together and soon enough, he got her pregnant at the age of 17. According to her, when she broke the pregnancy news to him, he was happy and never wanted it to be terminated as he always wanted to be a very young father.

Amina revealed that she couldn’t tell her Nigerian mother she was pregnant but her baby daddy’s family was aware and one day, they all decided to drag her and let her mother know. When they broke the news to her mom, out of fear of what she might do, she packed out and started living with the family of her boyfriend but at the end when the pregnancy was due, her mother accepted the pregnancy and showed support for her till she gave birth to her baby girl, Natasha.

According to Amina, people who mocked her for getting pregnant wished they never did now as she’s and her daughter gets one of the big deals for commercials and beauty brand influencing. They have made a lot of money out of their story and daughter and mother combinations.

Amina and her daughter, Natasha are quite adorable together, check out some lovely photos of her and her daughter who is currently 17 years old, she was born on the 6th of October.

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