Husband And Wife Who Died To Be Buried Same Day, On 26th February 2021 In Nneato Of Abia State.

The rate people are dieing suddenly and mysteriously this day is becoming so alarming that something should be done.

In the year 2020, we kept hearing death cases of various kinds daily and weekly now this year which is just 2 months old have swallowed the heads of so many people.

In just a space of 2 months this year we have lost so many people including celebrities and common people.

Recently a husband and wife who died would be buried the same day on the 26th of February 2021.

The tragic news of the demise and funeral date was disclosed by a Facebook group identified as “IMO ARENA”

Though as at the time of filing this report, the reason and cause of their death were not revealed.

In this year 2021, one must be very prayerful because there are a lot of battles going on spiritually which we do not know about so it advisable we stand firmly anywhere we are

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