Hoodlums Set Lagoon Hospital in Lagos on Fire for Allegedly Rejecting Gunshot Victim

Some yet-to-be identified hoodlums tagged protesters have set Lagoon Hospital at Liverpool Apapa in Lagos on fire after the hospital allegedly rejected a gunshot victim on Tuesday.

Following violent attacks across Lagos State, the police were said to have been deployed in Tin-Can area in an attempt to quell possible outbreak of violence.

According to reports, the armed policemen shot at the irate crowd, which unfortunately hit the victim.

The victim was, however, rushed to Lagoon Hospital where he was allagedly refused entry at the gate. And in a fit of rage, the thugs attacked the hospital and set it ablaze.

At the time of filing this report, the extent of damage could not be confirmed. A video showed a bonfire in front of the hospital and thick smoke coming from the hospital premises.

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