Governor Otti restates promise to make Abia great

Governor Alex Otti has reiterated his commitment to develop Abia to a “state of our dream.”

Specifically, the secretary to the state government, Kenneth Kalu, reaffirmed the commitment Mr Otti’s government to create an enabling environment for people and businesses to thrive.

Mr Kalu said this in Umuahia, while addressing journalists on the activities outlined for the 2023 Abia Day celebration on August 27. The event would mark the 32nd anniversary of the state.

He said the Abia government was determined “to transform Abia into the state of our dream.”

“To create an Abia, where roads are motorable, teachers are motivated and appreciated, functional general hospitals, civil servants are punctual and government is using the available resources to provide infrastructure for even development,” Mr Kalu said.

He said the Otti government would unveil the Abia State Orientation Agency to deepen the citizen and government interface needed to facilitate the realisation of the government’s rebuilding agenda.

Mr Kalu said as part of Mr Otti’s efforts to build a new and better Abia, the theme of the event, ‘Abia: Hitting the reset button’, was carefully selected to emphasise the need for value reorientation in Abia.

“This is why we are unveiling a new Abia State Orientation Agency to foster unity of purpose towards building the Abia of our dreams,” he said.

Mr Kalu explained that the celebration would be marked with a week-long event, including the distribution of livelihood materials to the less privileged, Jumat prayers, interdenominational church service, novelty football game, special sanitation exercise and a free medical outreach, amongst others.

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