Girls Who Hired Assassins To Kill Their Parent Have Been Sentenced To Death

The court has finally dished out a trial and a verdict over the case of two wicked girls who sent assassins to kill their parent as a result of a few flimsy excuses they gave which stemmed from their need for money.

This heinous crime took Nigeria by a storm and hasn’t died down as many people haven’t backed down in showing their disgust and urgent need for justice.

These two girls who are from Enugu (names withheld) reportedly sent assassins to kidnap and murder the two people who brought them into this world – their parent.

They had the intention of inheriting their parent’s property after their evil plan was successfully executed.

Reportedly, the girls were arrested by Enugu State Police after they were reported by their relatives who suspected that they were behind the death of their parent.

After a series of investigations by the police and after all evidences pointed to them, the girls confessed by sending assassins to kill their parent all in a bid to inherit their wealth.

During questioning, one of the girls stated her reason for having to hire assassins to kill her biological parent, stating that her father is a very wealthy man who only spent money on women outside and never made a move to buy them new clothes.

She also went further to say that her father is a very stingy man and that was the main reason for hiring assassins to kill him.

The High court in Enugu state convened to hear the case of the two girls who were labelled to have murdered their father, thereby denying him is right to life as enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution.

Having found them guilty, the presiding judge sentenced them to death by the gallows.

We are presently waiting for the state governor to sign the death warrant.

This should serve as an eye opener to selfish and impatient youths out there who are always looking for ways to make fast and illegal wealth.

Patience and perseverance won’t take anything out of you, just believe that God would always reward you for your efforts.

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