“End Time”- See What This Man Did That Got People Talking

In most cases, you find that most people are very afraid of death. The possibility of death usually makes people more anxious if they feel that they have not and cannot accomplish any positive task in the life that they are living. But people are not all the same.

Meet Samuel Karanja, A man from Murang’a county who have left people amused after the latest news of what he has been up to was unveiled.

Apparently, Samuel has left everyone in the social media talking, after news of him allegedly crafting his own place where he will be put to rest once he dies emerged online.

As if that is not enough, Samuel Karanja Kumenya also drafted his own Eulogy and is now in the process of raising funds to buy his own coffin.

According to the old man, he often gets to sleep inside his forever resting place in his leisure time, just to test how it will feel like sleeping there.

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