Eight prophets drown while competing to retrieve “holy stick” from river

Eight prophets have reportedly drowned during a ceremony in Rushinga, Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe.

It was learnt that the clergymen from the Vadzidzi vaJeso Apostolic sect drowned on Saturday, October 30, at Mazowe River.

The incident took place at around 2pm at the Hungumwe River which lies at the confluence of Mazowe Tsvinje River.

The prophets were said to have fallen into a trance during their annual Passover ceremony and ended up inside the river, resulting in their drowning.

According to local media, the prophets were competing to retrieve a “holy stick” in the deep waters of the river during a ritual to select a Baptist.

The provincial development coordinator for Mashonaland Central Province, Timothy Maregere, who confirmed the incident, said that their bodies had since been retrieved.

“The group consisted of 10 ‘prophets’ and only two survived,” Maregere said.

Mashonaland Central deputy police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Naison Dhliwayo, on Sunday, named the now deceased as Nickson Singano (29), Peter Marera (31), Tendai Marera (28), Alexeio Makombe (26), Tichawana Katiyo (32), Isaac Dokora (21), Lanciot Dokora (34) and Chriswell Kunyengerera.

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