Citizens abroad should invest their money in Nigeria to end ‘Japa’ syndrome- PDP Representatives

Adamu Tanko (PDP-Niger) says tackling ‘Japa Syndrome’ will entail getting Nigerians already resident abroad to contribute to Nigeria’s ailing economy.

On Monday, he said this at an empowerment programme he organised to mark his 100 days in office held at the Suleja Township Stadium.

Mr Tanko is the chairman of the House Committee on Diaspora and represents the Suleja/Tafa/Gurara federal constituency.

“At the committee level, our responsibility is to make sure we maximise the benefit of Nigerians in diaspora for the benefit of those resident in Nigeria. There are very influential Nigerians living everywhere in the world and are holding influential positions, and they have the means to contribute to nation-building back home,” stated Mr Tanko.

The legislator added, “If you mobilise Nigerians in the diaspora sufficiently to do this, that will be a very efficient way to mitigate japa syndrome.”

Mr Tanko added, “We intend to embark on massive mobilisation, publicity campaigns and sensitisation on Nigerians across the world to give back some portion of what they have to make citizens leaving this country to others to stay back home.”

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