Church must contribute to nation-building –Governor Umo Eno

The Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Umo Eno, says the church has a huge role to play in nation-building and must, therefore, not stay aloof. Umo made the call recently in the Ago Area of Lagos State during the official dedication of the Sure Word Assembly Church’s new auditorium ‘The Megalife Cathedral’.

The ceremony also marked the 60th birthday anniversary of the church’s founder, Dr Dennis Inyang, and the presentation of his autobiography titled ‘Keep Moving’.

While speaking at the event, Eno said, “The church has the responsibility to model lives and be the vanguard of the society. I’m one of those who believe that the church must do more than we are doing now. People are contented when we are within the four walls of the church and we don’t get involved. I want the church to start getting involved.”

The governor added that the dedication of the cathedral was symbolic because it had become a place for molding lives.

Earlier, the celebrant, Inyang, said, “I am so excited because this is a celebration of the grace of God. That I have lived long enough to celebrate 60 years is an achievement. Some were born around the same time as me that are not alive today. I remember that six different times I have survived death. I could have died in any of those times but God is merciful to me and I am still alive. As I look at this beautiful edifice, I see it as the expression of the grace of God and our faith in God. We are so happy that friends came from far and near to rejoice with us,” he said.

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