Chronicles of slay kings and queens.

Can you tell if a person is truly blessed by looking at a picture? This reminds me of that proverb,”not all that glitters is gold”. So many people are going through unpleasant situations and make the world believe that they have everything at their fingertip. I really feel it’s a trend in this dispensation and as such is the poor get poorer.

Many are faking it just to impress others while they do nothing to elevate their true financial status. It’s not a new thing to hear a young and handsome dude bragging about working in an oil company when truly, he works in a filling station. I must say that in life, it doesn’t matter how we start out but what matters is doing something legit for a living and driving towards a common goal ,” a better life” .

We will make it , that will definitely happen and this is why it is very important to stop worrying about how far your friend , colleague or an unknown person has gone. I believe alot of people suffer from inferiority complex and they stoop so low to fake their lifestyle just to impress others. So, it happens that this guy drives a very nice car while you trek despite earning the same salary. Then you decide to borrow your friend’s car to work , just to pull a stunt and prove that you have a car too. You forget that investment is the pathway to wealth and all you need do is cut short your flamboyant expenses in order to acquire necessities.

I keep saying comparing yourself with others is unhealthy . If you want a better life , go out for it , put in the work and never give up. If checking other people’s status makes you feel inferior, stop checking it or better still , keep your head high and believe you can be anything you choose to be in life with perseverance , faith and hardwork. I feel that’s a good vibe!

Hi ladies , let me share something interesting with you too. I know about this particular lady down my street , she wears expensive wigs and it seems she has many of it , she puts on designers all the time and oh , her nails looks very expensive. You know about the trendy powdered nails , right? That’s her favourite.

I will say that the reason why many expensive looking ladies remain liabilities is because , instead of investing the bulk of money they earn or which is handed to them frequently , they keep lavishing it on material things just to look ravishing. However, if you are beautiful , you are beautiful. You really don’t need to spend extravagantly to achieve it.

Can I ask a question? What’s is the big deal if a young lady owns a mansion , an empire and makes a positive impact? I appreciate good looks , I’m a fashion lover but not a desperate one. I will not go out of my way to buy something I cannot afford. Truth be told , this is sheer stupidity and many ladies are guilty of it. Why do we do extreme things just to impress people who would only compliment us by saying , ” Oh, you look good”. It doesn’t pass that, does it?

Are you paid heavily to look good ? If not , why stress yourself and compete with celebrities who dress up for showbiz? Why do you spend extravagantly when you haven’t made enough to take care of your unborn children? Let us remember about the responsibilities that the future will bring along with it while we live in the present. I doubt if many ladies and guys think about this. Slay kings and queens , this is for you, investment is the pathway to wealth!

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