Brekete Family host, Ahmed Isah caught in another video slapping a man

Media Personality and human rights activist, Ahmed Isah, also known as Ordinary President, has been seen in another video assaulting a man whom he accused of writing down some names without his permission.

In the video clip which dates back to October 19, 2020, the Brekete Family Host who was visibly angry, was seen interrogating a young man who claimed he was collating the names of people for the Corporate Affairs Commission’s registration.

Isah, in the midst of the interrogation, paused and hit the young man in the face with his right palm.

But as Isah slapped the man, the camera’s focus was immediately shifted elsewhere and did not capture Isah’s facial expression properly or that of the assaulted young man.

At the end of the two-hour-long video, he said, “My apologies to all of you; to everyone watching all over the world, I am but a human being, I got provoked, I got angry because of what happened. I lost control because it had not been long I made an announcement and someone under my nose is doing what I warned against…”

Only weeks ago, there was outrage when Isah was caught on video slapping a woman he was interviewing. The woman, named Susan John, had poured kerosene on her niece’s head and set it on fire over allegations the child is a witch.

While interviewing her on his show, the Ordinary President had asked the woman to explain why the reason for her action but she wasn’t forthcoming with an answer so Isah slapped her twice across the face.

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