Body Of A Young Girl Who Went Missing Was Found In Her Mother’s Ex-Boyfriend’s Wardrobe

An incident that happened in Kanana has got people reacting as it was shared by Blessings Ramoba on Facebook. According to reports, a young girl identified as Samkelo Mokhele was kidnapped by her mother’s ex-boyfriend and it was tragic after she was discovered.

It was alleged that the young girl was sleeping at home while her mother went to shop, when she came back she couldn’t find her daughter.

After a while of searching and making inquiry, she learned from the neighbors of her ex-boyfriend that they saw him with the little girl. She furthered a complaint of a missing person to the authorities and investigations were carried out.

With help from the authorities, they found the body of the little girl in the house of her ex-boyfriend where he hid her in his wardrobe. However, the suspect was no where to be found.

According to commander LT Colonel Mashalance, he was found and arrested the next day, a knife with blood was also found with him. He is currently in custody at the Rabie Ridge Police Station.

Life as we know it is unpredictable, the reasons for his actions are yet to be provided. Sadly, a young girl with a promising future has lost her life at the hands of her mother’s ex-boyfriend. The victim was also said to be seven years old.

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