Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves.

With President-elect Joe Biden set to be sworn into office in 41 days, precautions are being taken to prevent any infections among new White House staff.

Dozens of cases have been tied to the White House or people who spent time near President Trump over the past several months.The General Services Administration will deploy a team to “thoroughly clean and disinfect” every part of the White House before Biden settles into the Oval Office, Politico reports.A private contractor will also provide “disinfectant misting services” to remove any lingering droplets.

The White House will be thoroughly disinfected following President Trump’s exit in January and before the incoming Biden administration moves in to prevent the spread of coronavirus. 

The Trump administration has seen its fair share of COVID-19 infections as it has continued to hold events amid a global pandemic that often disregard its own public health guidance on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  

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Dozens of cases have been tied to the White House or people who spent time near President Trump over the past several months, including members of Trump’s family, campaign, administration and staff. The president himself announced in October he and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19, and he was treated at Walter Reed Medical Center. 

The virus that causes COVID-19 mostly spreads through respiratory droplets or small particles produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, sings, talks or breathes. Droplets can also land on surfaces and objects and be transferred by touch, although it’s not the primary way the virus spreads, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The virus can survive on surfaces for hours and possibly days. 

With President-elect Joe Biden set to be sworn into office in 41 days, precautions are being taken to prevent any infections among the new White House staff. 

The General Services Administration will deploy a team that will “thoroughly clean and disinfect” every part of the White House touched by human hands, including furniture, doorknobs, handrails and light switches, before Biden settles into the Oval Office, Politico reports. 

A private contractor will also provide “disinfectant misting services” to remove any lingering droplets. 

The Biden team also plans to have a skeleton staff working onsite with the majority of staff working remotely from home. 

Biden has made an effort to strictly adhere to public health guidelines outlined by the CDC over the course of the campaign and following his victory in the presidential election. He has consistently stressed the importance of social distancing and mask-wearing to the public as the outbreak in the U.S. continues to rage on. 

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