Australian journalist arrested Spying on China

Australian journalist Cheng Lei, after months of detention in China, has been formally arrested on charges of supplying state secrets overseas.

Prior to her detention, the Chinese-born Australian had been a TV presenter for Chinese state media outlet CGTN.

Chinese authorities confirmed her arrest on Monday, adding that her legal rights would be guaranteed.

Ms Cheng was detained in August and charged last Friday, Australian officials had earlier said.

At a press briefing on Monday, Chinese ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said he hoped Australia would “not interfere with China’s handling of this case”, according to news agency Reuters.

Canberra has repeatedly raised concerns with Beijing over Ms Cheng’s detention.

“We expect basic standards of justice, procedural fairness and humane treatment to be met, in accordance with international norms,” said Australia’s foreign affairs minister, Marise Payne.

“Our thoughts are with Ms Cheng and her family during this difficult period.”

Ms Cheng had worked in Beijing for the last few years. Many of her family, including her two young children, live in Australia.

In August, she suddenly disappeared from television and couldn’t be contacted by friends or relatives. Her employer, CGTN – the English-language channel of the state broadcaster – also wiped its websites of Ms Cheng’s profile page and work.

China eventually announced she was being held on national security grounds under “residential surveillance” in an unknown location.

Her family said they had no idea why she had been detained.

“I don’t think she would have done anything to harm national security in any way intentionally,” her niece Louisa Wen told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

“We don’t know if she’s just been caught up in something that she herself didn’t realise.”

Her family said Ms Cheng had been interrogated on several occasions and was being kept in a cell. Her health had deteriorated, they added.

Australia said its representatives had been able to visit her once a month – in line with the bilateral consular agreement with China.

Relations between Australia and China have deteriorated in recent years, leading to diplomatic and trade ructions.

Analysts say this has made it harder for Australian authorities to negotiate with Beijing over their citizens’ release.

Beijing has arrested or expelled a number of journalists in recent times. Shortly after Ms Cheng’s arrest last year, the last two Australian media correspondents in China fled the country following consular advice.

ABC reporter Bill Birtles said that prior to his departure, Chinese police had turned up to his apartment and questioned him about Ms Cheng, but also asked him questions on a wide range of topics.

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