At least 80 killed in violent attacks nationwide in Tinubu’s first week in office

At least 80 citizens were killed in different violent attacks across the country in the first week of President Bola Tinubu’s newly inaugurated government.

Mr Tinubu was sworn in as Nigeria’s 16th president on May 29 at the Eagles Sqaure Abuja, taking over from former President Muhammadu Buhari.

In his inaugural speech, the president listed security as top priority of his government, assuring Nigerians of a more secured country under his watch.

“Security shall be the top priority of our administration because neither prosperity nor justice can prevail amidst insecurity and violence.

To effectively tackle this menace, we shall reform both our security DOCTRINE and its ARCHITECTURE,” Mr Tinubu said.

However, in his first week in office as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, at least 80 citizens were killed.

On June 3, about 25 citizens were brutaly killed and scores injured in Katsina-Ala Local Government Area (LGA) of Benue state.

On the same day in Zamfara, 25 people were killed as bandits raided three villages for their refusal to pay “ransom or protection fees” before they’re allowed to farm.

In Tangaza Local Government Area of Sokoto State, 30 citizens were killed by armed gang, the police said on Sunday.

The continued killing spree under Mr Tinubu’s watch have been condemned by citizens.

Mr Tinubu is yet to officially appoint his spokesperson. So far no comment from Mr Tinubu on the latest killings under his watch.

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