At 10, My Family Abandoned Me At The Cemetery We Buried Mum, And This Happened To Me’ Man Confesses

Meet Edward Julius Mwai who was an only son raised by a single mother, and they lived just alone. He never met his father. He remembers that his mother was depressed and when he was 10 years old his mother succumbed to a sudden stroke and ahe died.

A neighbour informed his mother’s family of her demise and within a week his mother was buried in Nakuru cemetery. Edward’s 3 aunties, sisters abandoned him at the cemetery, immediately after the funeral. None of them were willing to take care of him so he went back home alone.

A week later, the landlord evicted him and confiscated all household items because his mother had rent arrears of 5 months.

Homeless and abandoned by his family he became a street boy. A children’s home took him in, educated him up to class 8, then kicked him out to the streets again. Edward went back to being a street boy, 14 years old, where he was introduced to peddling drugs including bhang, glue and ’tap tap . He had several encounters with the police, he was harassed, arrested and released severally because his young age made him appear Innocent.

He narrowly escaped death when vigilantes attacked him and his friend, for selling drugs. He incurred a ‘panga’ cut on his head but his friend was not so lucky, he lost his life. The incident, made him turn a new leaf, and he started doing legal jobs.

To date, Edward had never met the rest of his family. He is now transformed, born again christian and hopes to become a celebrated artist. He still doesn’t Understand why his family left him at the cemetery but says he has forgiven them just as God forgave him and would wish to reunite with them.

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