Army claims it killed 12 terrorists who attacked Kaduna airport

The Nigerian Army has said that no fewer than 12 of the terrorists that attacked the Kaduna international airport on Saturday were killed in an air strike.

Brigadier-General and Garrison Commander of the Kaduna Division 1, Uriah Opuene, disclosed this during a briefing with journalists on Monday.

He also denounced reports making the rounds that the gunmen took over the airport.

He said: “People just took advantage of that to pass a message that bandits have attacked the airport.

What people don’t know is that there are several layers of security at the airport. This is the first layer and even this first layer was not breached, because from the moment of hearing that shot, our men got there immediately from the next layer of security.

By the time we would arrive, the bandits were already running away, so we instantly engaged them through the use of ground forces.

“We called for an air strike and a helicopter was deployed and from the air report, about 12 of the bandits were killed. As you can see from the distance, the insinuation that the terrorists took over the airport is not correct”, the commander added.

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