Cleric pledges to tackle youth unemployment

The newly enthroned Bishop of Lagos, Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Rt. Rev. Ifedola Okupevi, has listed education, youth empowerment, and charity as his top priority.

In a statement, the cleric said this while addressing newsmen after his enthronement service at Cathedral Church of Christ, Marina, Lagos.He also promised to promote entrepreneurial development.

Okupevi reiterated his commitment to preach the undiluted word of God, expand the kingdom of God and depopulate the kingdom of Satan.

He said,

“We will empower the evangelists, the youth as well as the aged and continue where my predecessor stopped. We will continue with the building of the Centenary City, focus on secondary school education and we will do our best to educate our youths and the children.”

The new bishop also promised to come up with charity programmes for the less privileged.

He added that he would set up entrepreneurial and vocational programmes to train the youth in the areas of photography, art, and bead-making and also empower people who are into small and medium-scale enterprises.

The country has been struggling with unemployment challenges, which experts have identified as a major cause of the high crime rate in major cities, particularly Lagos.

Club owner, Shina Peller, urges youths to channel ‘BBNaija’ energy into nation building

Nigerian politician and club owner, Shina Peller has urged Nigerian youths to be to nation building and also participate in the coming 2023 general election with the same energy that they channeled towards the reality show, Big Brother Naija.

Shina Peller’s statement was published on the social media platform, Instagram during the early hours of today, Tuesday, September 28.

It would be recalled that several fans of the reality show, Big Brother Naija took to the streets of Lagos on Monday, September 27 to protest the plot twist that was unravelled by organizers of the show.

This influenced the decision and complexion of the competition as fan favourites, Pere and Angel were reinstated as finalists on Monday night.

Shina Peller, the owner of the popular club, Quilox is admonished the youths to participate in politics with similar energy because they are the future of the nation and the development of the country depends on them.

Here is what he shared;

”Me, thinking of how I can get the youth to replicate the drive and commitment they have for Big Brother 9ja to the 2023 general elections.

That election would offer us an opportunity to take the destiny of our nation into our hands. There would be no incumbent President on the ballot. It’s a reset period for Nigeria!!!

Youth coalition hails attack on Omokri, wishes him more

A youth group under the auspices of the National Youth Coalition (NYC) has hailed an assault on former Special Assistant to former President Goodluck Jonathan, Reno Omokri, who was attacked in New York on Saturday, after organising a protest against President Muhammadu Buhari.

The attack on Omokri which was captured on video, showed him being assaulted by an unknown assailant shortly after organising the protest against Buhari.

The activist was saved from more bodily harm by a man whom he said was his bodyguard named Sean

However, the youth group in a statement on Sunday, signed by its National Coordinator, Olugbenga Michael, said that Omokri should “expect more deadly attacks if he continues to embarrass Nigeria before the international community.”

The group added that the assault on Omokri “is not attack against freedom of speech, movement or association as the case may be, but a legal way of defending the honour and glory of the country as enunciated in the fourth paragraph of the National Pledge of Nigeria which reads: “To defend her unity, and uphold her honour and glory, so help me God.”

Part of the statement made available to Ripples Nigeria reads:

“This is the oath of allegiance that every Nigerian have taken and which we are committed to enforcing voluntarily because we believe we have no other country to call home if Nigeria fails.

At this point, we wish to state categorically that we have no affinity or association with the Nigerian Government directly or indirectly, but we are young people of Nigeria who are inspired by how Americans are ready to die in defence of America and will do everything possible to ensure that America’s Union works perfect in line with the dreams of their founders.

“Hence, we are young people who came together to turn our diversity into strength, thereby making Nigeria work for all Nigerians irrespective of class, creed, political party or association.

“Our membership is open to all those who believe in the unity, indivisibility, progress and prosperity of all Nigerians and are willing to defend the letter and the spirit of the article of faith enshrined in our National Pledge and the National Anthem because the future of Nigeria belongs to us.”

2023: No better youth to lead Nigeria than Yahaya Bello – Mikel Obi

Nigerian footballer and former Chelsea midfielder, John Mikel Obi, has said that there is a need for youth leadership in Nigeria.

He stated this while on a courtesy visit to Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi on Sunday in Abuja.

Obi said that it was time for the Youths to come out and take leadership positions across all boards for the betterment of Nigeria.

He pledged support for Bello’s political aspirations, adding that youths should be given a chance to get the change Nigerians clamour for.

He also lauded Bello for his achievement in Kogi in the areas of security, healthcare, infrastructure, education and agriculture.

The soccer star noted that such efforts when impacted at a higher level would bring further development for Nigeria.

“It is an honour for me to finally meet his Excellency personally after all the good things I have heard and read about him from not just the people of Kogi State but from Nigerians.

“My main aim is to come here to show my appreciation and to thank him for all the things he has been doing for the people and also to support him in whatever future political positions he wants to go into.

“I will like to be there to support him, to be there by his side through this journey for him to achieve whatever he wants which is for the betterment of Nigeria.

“What better person to lead the youths than him, because he has been doing all these good works and that is why I am here to see whatever way I can come in.

“To get the youths together to know and see how we can make things better for our country and how we can align to achieve all that”, Obi said.

Responding, Bello thanked Obi for the visit and his pledge to support the course for youth leadership.

He reiterated that it was time for the youths to take the opportunity that had presented itself.

Youths burn truck loaded with cows after it caused fatal accident in Anambra (Video)

Some irate youths, on Friday, set ablaze a truck loaded with cows after it caused a serious accident in Awka, Anambra state.

The cattle-laden truck had reportedly experienced brake failure on Friday afternoon and rammed into vehicles parked in traffic.

According to reports, two persons, including a young boy who was washing cars in the traffic were killed, while several vehicles were destroyed.

An angry crowd then mobilised and set the truck on fire as seen in a video circulating online.

WARNING!!! Viewers discretion is advised.

Watch the video below:

Buhari wants more youths’ involvement in agriculture

THE President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), on Tuesday, sought the involvement of more Nigerian youths in agriculture.

He urged agencies involved in agriculture to further streamline their priorities in the inclusion of the youth in driving modern methods of farming.

According to a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, the President spoke at the inauguration of the National Young Farmers Scheme designed by the National Agricultural Land Development Authority.

The statement was titled, ‘More youth inclusion in modern agriculture will bolster economy, improve earnings, says President Buhari’.

Buhari was quoted as assuring those interested that an enabling environment would be created for full participation.

He described agriculture as the backbone of the Nigerian economy, being the largest contributor to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product.

“I have directed that all NALDA’s abandoned farm estates be retrieved to enable thousands of our young men and women to be engaged in farming.

“This administration will be achieving agricultural mechanization through this scheme and I am confident that Nigeria under my watch will achieve food security in producing most of what we eat.

“In good harvest years, we may even export our surpluses and earn foreign exchange. By virtue of my passion and desire for agriculture and also as a farmer myself, I am directly supervising NALDA as an authority under the Presidency.

“I am told that so far, 4,333 families have benefited from this scheme and it is expected that many more individuals and families will benefit as the programme is rolled out,” the President added.

The Executive Secretary/CEO of NALDA, Mr Paul Ikonne, said the discovery of oil in the country hampered the growth of agriculture and increased poverty in rural communities, assuring the President that the concerted effort to revive interest in farming would tackle poverty and create wealth.

The education of our youth is the key to nation building

Like all of us I was shocked and outraged to learn that unarmed youths were confronted by live bullets on Tuesday evening at the Lekki Toll Gate after almost 2 weeks of a peaceful, relatively successful protest.

Initially I had observed the start of the #EndSars demonstrations with admiration for the cause. The lamentations of the youth are genuine and difficult to argue against. If we haven’t personally been affected by an encounter with a callous police officer then I am sure we know somebody that has. Calling out police brutality and demanding an end to the extra judicial killing of predominantly young Nigerian males is a moral duty. It is clear that the vast majority of Nigerians had some empathy for the social movement.

Unfortunately what soon transpired in Lagos and across the nation was a display of anger that was about so much more than police brutality. The open agitation exposed a frustration with the system. What we have witnessed over the past week is an extreme manifestation of decades of youth segregation from governance and opportunity which has left millions of Nigeria’s youths unemployed, under employed and absolutely desperate for a way out of poverty and despair.

According to Naira metrics, data from the National Bureau of Statistics reveals Nigeria’s unemployment rate as at the second quarter of 2020 is 27.1% indicating that about 21.7 million Nigerians remain unemployed. The highest unemployment rate was recorded for youths between 15 – 24 years at 40.8%. This is followed by ages 25 – 34 years at 30.7%. To put things into context, Nigeria’s unemployed youth of 13.1 million is more than the population of Rwanda and several other African countries.

Youth Population is also about 64% of total unemployed Nigerians suggesting that the most agile working-class population in the country remains unemployed.I am a firm believer in the economic future of Nigeria and the catalyst to this future is our young people. Youth engagement and youth inclusion in governing arrangements is paramount if Nigeria wishes to succeed.

As 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana the Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the UN’s Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific recently acknowledged:“Young entrepreneurs have been a source of innovation and economic dynamism, creating jobs and providing livelihoods to millions. To achieve and accelerate action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we urgently need their expertise and voices on creating solutions to social and environmental challenges, as well as economic opportunities.First, we need to ensure that the next generation of business leaders think about social purpose as well as profit. To achieve this, education will be critical. Governments play a key role.”

Alisjahbana is right to call out the government’s role in ensuring their youth are sufficiently educated, however private investment is also needed to solve the problems that the education sector is currently facingin Nigeria. A lack of access to quality education and the sluggishness in adopting new methods of learning has immediate and long-term effects.

The immediate effects have been playing out on the streets of Nigeria over the past few days. The long-term consequences are almost unthinkable.

HESED Learning is an initiative and my own personal contribution to providing quality education to Nigerians, as a borderless structure with an unrestricted curriculum. The e-learning platform compliments the current school system by using a national curriculum with the option of studying an international syllabus. It is time for our youth to become more competitive.

Not a select, fortunate few but the vast majority. Increasingly in the sectors where our children do excel – in medicine, science and finance – they sadly leave the country for better prospects abroad. Who can blame them?Education is the key to nation building.

A quality education propels industry. In countries where the children are educated the likelihood of civil unrest is reduced. We cannot afford to under educate our youth.

Matthew Odu is a Fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria

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