Uti Nwachukwu releases new photos as he turns 40

Actor Uti Nwachukwu has released new photos to celebrate his 40th birthday today August 3. The media personality, shared the new photos on his Instagram page with the caption;

‘They say Life begins at 40…I doubted this. It scared me but I can CONFIRM that this is NO LIE.

2022 Has been my most successful year in the past decade.It really did feel like a renewal!Physically, Mentally, Carrer Wise and definitely Spiritually.God keeps coming thru and I am short of words to express my extreme gratitude.••

Thank you … Yes You reading thisCos good or bad, you have all been huge parts of the unfaltering man I have become.

GROWTH definitely looks good on me ••So come, find rest in all this Love I have to Give.

This is #Uti40th”

Reality tv star, Uti Nwachukwu, shares thoughts on tithing

Big Brother Africa star Uti Nwachukwu has opined on the microblogging site, Twitter that tithing works, but that it is not a necessity.

Taking to his Twitter platform on Wednesday, the reality star stated that tithing was not compulsory and no one will be punished for not participating in it.

Specifically, tithing is a principle in the Christian faith where a believer is expected to part with 10% of their income in return for blessings from God.

The issue of tithing has remained one of the most controversial topics among Christians in modern times. While some Christians and pastors have said this is compulsory, others have insisted that it is not.

Here is what Uti Nwachukwu had to say about tithing:

Uti Nwachukwu says religion, culture has repressed the s3xuality of Nigerians

Big Brother Africa winner, Uti Nwachukwu has disclosed how uncomfortable some Nigerians become whenever the topic of sex is raised or being discussed in a gathering.

According to the media personality, Nigerians have failed to understand that sex is primarily a God given gift and should be enjoyed; instead, most people see it as an unclean and evil act.

Uti in a Twitter thread on Monday afternoon stated that Nigerians need to desist from hypocrisy and embrace the topic like a norm.

In his post, he mentioned that most people are self-righteous in this part of the world, stating that they desist from the topic in public and openly criticize people, meanwhile, they voraciously anticipate intercourse in their closet.

Here is what Uti wrote;

”Culture&especially religion have played major roles in chronically repressing Nigerians sexually.
That’s why the country seems to be dangerously obsessed with sexuality!

You condemn people; but you flock to public pages to express how much you don’t approve of their sexual Liberation.

It’s always who’s sleeping with who or what”

Uti Nwachukwu continued;

That’s why when Someone Says or does something sexually explicit, Boom!!! THEY BLOW.

Confused much?? Don’t know bout you but if I despise someone/something, I stay totally away from all topics concerning it/them.

Relationships these days are just a waste of time –Uti Nwachukwu

Nigerian media personality and Big Brother Africa winner, Uti Nwachukwu has disclosed his two-cent pertaining to modern-day relationships.

According to the reality star, relationships these days are not worth the effort and investment.

He published this on his verified Twitter account.

Read what he wrote on his Twitter;
“People are getting married for different reasons now such as dating for money, to cover up the culture conditioned shame of being single as well as marrying to cater for their families

Relationships are just a waste of precious time these days! People dating for money. People dating to get access to others they want to sleep with. Unhappy People marrying Unhappy people to cover the culture conditioned shame of being single People marrying to cater for their Family.

“At this rate, with the kind of humans that we have now, e be like to protect your future, peace and stability, na Surrogate/ sperm Bank Sure pass. That way your kids are your kids and no one can destroy your future by dragging them with you. The things we hear!” he tweeted.

Read what he published below.

Uti Nwachukwu condemns Nigerians for being spiritually gullible

Nigerian media personality, Uti Nwachukwu has taken to social media to question people who are spiritually gullible.

The one-time Big Brother Africa winner stated that he is disgusted at people who choose to listen to the declarations and prophecies of spiritual leaders without questioning the statement.

Uti stated that he doesn’t believe in the mindset that other people can steal from a fellow human being.

In his words, he stated that it is impossible for another human being made of flesh and blood to “steal and use their destiny or progress.”

He aired his disbelief on the social media platform, Twitter during the early hours of Monday, March 15.

Read what the media personality wrote;

”I still wonder how a lot of Nigerians were and are still deceived that another human being made of flesh and blood can ‘steal and use your destiny / Progress’ kai!! Children of the Lord really suffer from lack of Knowledge. SMH Who do us this thiiing????’

I’ll never bring down my family to support my wife –Uti Nwachukwu

Media personality, Uti Nwachukwu has aired his voice in the ongoing Meghan and Harry Saga. He has said he would never support his wife to bring down his family.

Uti Nwachukwu aired his own opinion following the massive interaction gathered from the Royal family’s interview session with Oprah Winfrey.

He has said love makes people turn their backs on family. And his family will always take the first place in his life.

He further said, he will never join any woman; whether, a wife or any sexual partner to bring his family down or condemn his family.

Here’s what he tweeted;


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