Teacher lands in trouble for sucking man’s nipple during online class

A video showing an New York teacher sucking on the nipple of a topless man while conducting a Zoom class has surfaced online.

The clip landed Amanda K. Fletcher, a Spanish teacher at Columbia Secondary School for Math, Science, and Engineering, in the “rubber room” pending a disciplinary process.

The city Department of Education removed Fletcher from her teaching duties last October after the Special Commissioner of investigation for city schools found that Fletcher, 37, “engaged in an inappropriate sex act” while remotely instructing her class.

Students from the Manhattan school who shared the video on Snapchat refer to the teacher as “Profesora Fletcher.”

The 11-second clip obtained by The Post shows her mouth on the chest of a shirtless man standing behind her.

Fletcher, wearing headphones, then turns to face the camera, wiggles her shoulders, and smiles.

One of Fletcher’s students told investigators that during the Sept. 30 class, Fletcher was seen eating spaghetti with the shirtless man standing behind her for several minutes before she put her mouth on the man’s chest.

After turning her face back to the camera, she “resumed teaching and discussing a worksheet.”

Tinubu ‘angered & troubled’ over insecurity, urges Nigerians to support security forces

The national leader of the All Progressive Congress (APC), Bola Ahmed Tinubu has expressed his anger over the insecurity ravaging the Nigeria.

Tinubu, who had earlier this week opined that the ruling party has bright chances of ruling the country beyong 2023, said he was troubled by the acts of terror happening in many parts of the country.

In a series of tweet on Thursday, the former Senator and Lagos Governor also called on fellow citizens to stand with the military and other security agencies, who are doing their best to contain the situation.

“Like all decent Nigerians, I am angered and troubled by the terror and cruelty being visited upon the people of Borno, Yobe, Benue, Niger, Imo and other parts of the nation,” he tweeted.

These attacks have caused many to disparage our military and security forces. This we must not do. Valiant men and women serve in our security forces, risking their lives to protect us. We stand with them.

“Government also must continue to encourage the security forces to do their utmost to subdue this threat. The lives of innocent Nigerians and the future progress of the nation may lie in the balance.

“As a people, we must never surrender to the fearful temptation to blame one another. Regardless of region or religion, we must unite against a common foe. Discord will only invite defeat.

“The enemy’s attacks seem to focus on our schools, religious institutions and security forces. They seek to extinguish the light of knowledge and hope by shrouding us in the darkness of fear and brutal ordeal.

We must not tremble. They will be vanquished. In the end, tolerance, justice and compassion shall win the day.”

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